Saturday, October 09, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Oct.18

Sunday afternoon --
October 18, 1981

Dearest Family --

Last Sunday seems like a long time ago and it has been two weeks since we last wrote a letter to you but we did have a real nice visit with Catherine and Gerry and Wendy in the meantime.  Hope you will forgive our not writing but we were kept plenty busy.  Wendy is getting so grown up and talks so much more than she did.  I had forgotten about her hair being short but she looks so cute with it that way and I am sure it is easier to take care of.  We did enjoy Catherine's good cooking and ate at several restaurants nearby as well.  Saturday Gerry had a trip up to the Rajneesh Ranch -- a new development of around 60,000 acres just recently obtained by this Indian meditation group which has been very much in the news -- we went along too and had a guided tour over the vast acreage.  They already have much of the level ground under cultivation and are working and building more and more.  They have clusters of four or five double mobile units tho some are still making use of tents there.  One of their beliefs is to wear red clothing -- a symbol of life which really stands out.  Be interesting to see how it all turns out.  [It didn't turn out well -- in 1985 some of the leaders were charged with attempted murder (an assassination plot to kill county officials by poisoning at a salad bar), arson, immigration issues, drug smuggling & more -- the property was taken over by a Christian Youth organization in the mid 1990s which now offers summer camps at the location.]  

Also enjoyed the outdoor swimming at Kah-Nee-Ta -- glad it wasn't as cold as last visit -- no ice around at least.  For a rental car in Oregon we had a yellow Datsun automatic -- did get around 30 MPG and overall think we would prefer the Chevette, but then habit is a big rut that we all get into.

The plane trip back was uneventful -- did have a great view of Great Salt Lake and the city.  Our plane into Dallas was late and after a half mile (it seemed farther) hike to the new gate found that they had pulled the leading walkway in, but they extended it our for us and that did give us a good feeling.

We were glad that Joe was able to use our car from the Cincinnati airport tho we were sorry to have missed him.  Hopefully the 1982 plans will be better coordinated.

Friday night was football night, or in our case, should say the "band show".  Our team lost 56 to 0, plus having three injuries.

This evening was International Night at Wilmington College -- pot luck dinner deal.  We sat at a table with two students from Malaysia and another girl who had grown up in Egypt, Philippines and Italy.  After the dinner they had a pumpkin for each of the students to "decorate" and they came up with some new twists.  Mie Young is also thinking of W.C.

Mary Virginia gave the mission talk in Sunday School this morning.  We are going to have a special collection for Ken Enright, a former pastor, and now a missionary in Zaire, who recently lost his plane in an accident.

Dad and I leave tomorrow for a couple of days in New York City -- he on business and me for the ride.  We will probably be back Thursday but slight possibility it will be Wednesday and if so will get to see John and Carol -- will call collect that morning (Wed.) and ask for one of us to let you know we will be coming but doesn't look too hopeful.

Glad to hear that Serena is feeling much better and obeying doctor's orders -- keep up the good work and the swimming too.

Thanks for all your hospitality.

Mother & Dad

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