Sunday, May 31, 2020

1990 MUH Letter -June 5

Monday -- June 4th [1990] [mailed to Turkey]

Dear HH and Jean:

Here goes a TRY at typing you a ltr on this weird typewriter . . . it has a heavy touch and makes a lot of noise.  I'm not sure what the different gadgets' are supposed to do?  I'm still wondering if there is a way to lighten up the touch?  It seems so heavy!

We got your first postcard from Pittsburgh.  THANKS!  I imagine the mails are questionable and difficult to find a post office?  When the earthquake hit some where over there, everyone was wondering if any tremors were felt in Turkey?  Sat. nite a tornado struck Harrison, Ohio and more damage done in Indiana.  8 dead, 150 injured.  Two-thirds of the town of Petersburg was destroyed by twisters.  Hundreds were left homeless just two weeks after floods knocked out the town's fresh water supply.  150 homes were destroyed and 120 were damaged when a twister ripped a 5-mile-long path.  Warnings were on TV all evening for the Tri-state area. 

I went to bed around 12 and the fire siren went off once . . . it blew and blew then after a min. or two it started off again.  I found out later that it means a tornado might hit.  I understand some people took refuge in the school house.  I slept peacefully on, not knowing the significance of the noise . . . I thought it was just another bad accident!!!  Should we save the Cincinnati Enquirer???

Mother is doing fine!!  What an appetite!!!  I cooked green beans, canned sweet potatoes and fried (over-fried) steak.  She could even chew the meat . . . better than I could.  Ha!  This house is like an on-going soap opera.  Each 'Aid' has a different sob story to tell.  Kathie says everyone is doing better at their job since I came on the scene!!  I can't get anything done in the way of typing letters . . . not enough privacy . . . a lot of yak-yak!!!  As Roberta said, for me, this has been a "Jot", if you know what that means?  Ha!!!  Guess!!  We've found that she likes the recliner chair . . . seems like it takes off the pressure on her "rear" a good change from her chair.  She hasn't asked about you all except the day after you left when she said, "I'll miss HH & Jean."  She seems more aware of things, and more responsive. 

Sunday was a "WINNER"!!!  Took Mother to S.S. . . only Mrs. Thornburg and Vivian Cochran.  Ev Johnson was sick, no teacher so they just talked.  I understand E.J. has had several attacks of vomiting, etc.  I think going to the hospital for some tests.  I went downstairs to move her.  S.S. room was shut off as they had it decorated in a Hawaiian theme for Bible School.  I peeked in and it was very decorative . . . a lot of preparation.  Mother said she wanted to go home. 

All day was a 'scenario' . . . Having someone here to put her on the pottie.  Gi-Gi and Bob volunteered their time from 11 to 3 o'clock.  Kathie wanted off to go to her in-laws for dinner.  She tried to get a substitute Sat. and called Gi-Gi, she tried but no one available so Kathie said she would stay Sunday.  But GG volunteered and insisted that she go.  Bob was of great help . . . I thought we could take Mother and go out and eat but Bob went back and forth to the farm as he and sons were trying to catch up . . . a race with the weather.  In the PM they had some parties to go to.  GG was a lot of help . . . wherever needed.  They are a NEAT COUPLE!! 

BIG SURPRISE was seeing SERENA briefly on Sat. and Sun.  She was very attractively dressed, both days.  She liked the library.  Stayed at your house Sat. nite and came in here Sun. AM at 8:30.  She wore a neat red suit.  Roberta called me last nite and I understand she was optimistic re her interview.  Then Sun noon MV called from home and while the pot pies were baking they called on us.  They had driven up Sun. AM and Don preached at Russelville.  GUESS WHAT they brought a plastic bag with a note inside - - - belongings in drawer in Room 37.  (I had left more than I thought.)  Ha!  My faith in human nature restored!!  Ha!

I picked 4 boxes of strawberries and Phyllis brought me two.  It's to go to 44º tonight The record is 43º.  Hope you are enjoying your trip . . . but I will be glad when you are back!!  We're enjoying activities at Sr. Citizens.  Bill and Elsie Z invited us over for dinner last Tues. with GG and Bob.  FUN!  Played Euchre and Bill Z has an attractive Pool Room in their house.  "Delish" DINNER!  The weather here is mostly rain and starting this wk, quite COOL.  Feels like Florida's WINTER.

Also Helen Carr and Wib popped in here for a min. on way to eat in Wilmington.  HOPE LTR ARRIVES!!!

Love -- Mary & Bill

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