Tuesday, May 12, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -May 15


Dear Mother, Dad & Mary,

Hi!  I thought you might like to see this bit about Suttle Lake Camp where we are going Memorial Day weekend.  Gerry has to work on Saturday so we will be going down after he gets off work.  There are 3 or 4 other families going from Madras and people we've talked to who went in previous years say its lots of fun.  Since it doesn't cost anything it will certainly be a low cost weekend and a chance for us to see the camp.

This weekend we are going on a picnic Saturday afternoon with the Jackmans and one or two other families.  And after church Sunday is a fellowship dinner.  Someone is fixing spaghetti and I am to take a green salad.

It is now official that I am the "Data Analyst" for Jefferson County.  Someone from the Oregon Dept. of Revenue (Bend office) was here Tuesday and again today to get me properly trained.  Basically I am concerned with the sale of properties and how the sale price relates to the assessed market value and the ratio studies involved in comparing the sale price with the assessed.  I fill out sales data cards on every transaction and send letters to both the buyer & seller to confirm the sale price and get other pertinent information.  These are all subdivided by property class (first) and then appraisal area.  I'll send you some samples in my next letter.  So far I am doing this at the same base salary I was hired at to be a clerk.  I may also get into an appraiser's trainee program.  Also I will be going to an advanced District Data Analyst Training School in Bend -- July 15 to 18th.

Got to go now.

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

P.S.  Talked to Roberta last Saturday.   She said she had an accident on her new bike and ruined her wind shield.

Wendy said "Aunt Roberta" & "Happy Birthday".  One of her new things at home now is "do it myself"

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