Saturday, May 02, 2020

1980 Family Letter -May 6

Tuesday -
May 6, 1980
Dearest Family -

Yesterday the temperature was up in the 80's but heard it was in the 90's or higher in Arizona.  Guess the whole country was scheduled for a beautiful weekend which it was here and hope that the Morgans had good weather to spend in their minister's cottage on the Oregon coast.  We thought of all of you often and couldn't have asked for better weather here.

Friday a group of us went to the Church Women United's May Fellowship Day at the Lees Creek United Church of Christ.  Eileen Cline asked Mary Virginia to play for her and MV also sang with a quartet from the high school so she was there for a good part of the program.  Georgialia Hannah spoke also.  (Her mother-in-law has been very ill and not expected to live; she became worse just this past Sunday).

Evelyn Bentley (George Henderson's sister) said hearing the name of Mary Uible as the accompanist really brought back memories and many commented on our relationship.

Saturday we went to Cincinnati for the State Square-dancing Convention and enjoyed meeting and seeing many from all over Ohio.  There were about five different rooms in the convention center where you could join in -- two really mammoth rooms with over 3200 in attendance.  There were all different levels of learning and forty or fifty callers - both square and round.  There were also all kinds of western wear, shoes, belts, etc. on sale to go with the dancing.

Got to talk to Serena on Saturday morning and looking forward to seeing her the very end of this month.  Through an Indian girl with whom she works she highly recommended the book Far Pavilions by Kaye that she thought Roberta might enjoy as it was this woman's favorite book on India.

Congratulations on your new title, Roberta, even though you have been doing the work as the coordinator for some time - we appreciated seeing your card - sounds real professional.  We are looking forward to seeing the new center where you have been working.  You are getting plenty of good experience in your field.

Sunday morning Grandma used the new chair lift at the church- don't think she is too hot on the "thing" as she commented that she felt like giving it a push.  It fact we brought her down in her chair as it is an effort to get in and out of the wheel chair.  We went to Leesburg for dinner, which did seem like a bargain at say $3.75 for dinner compared to Cincinnati prices the evening before.

Sunday evening was MYF meeting here at our casa and they are planning to have a car wash on Saturday the 17th, the date we had tentatively written to the Newark Uibles about coming up.

Last night I went to the county banker's meeting - had a memorial to Mr. Davids who would have had in 50 years at the bank this next month.  At the other bank the head fellow is retiring and they have brought in a new man from Illinois to take his place, which would seem to me to create friction after the other heir apparants (?) had been there for 20 plus years.  Senator Snyder spoke on where Ohio may be going in the next ten years and of course, he hopes to be a part of that process, in getting re-elected this fall. 

Liz McEwen is to speak at the next prayer breakfast at East Clinton next Friday morning.  Our Mothers Club is to serve the breakfast so I am to be on hand and MV is to sing He's Alive - request of the seniors who are being honored that day.  I've seen her but not actually ever met her or know anything about her speaking ability (Liz's, that is).

Grandma got a letter from Roberta today.  She appreciates hearing from all of you too I'm sure even if we do share the letters you write to us.

Kim wrote to ask us about the possibility of having his daughter come and live with us for a couple of years while finishing high school.

With much love from all of us.
Dad & Mother

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