Friday, February 03, 2017

1977 GHU Letter to John -Feb.6

Feb. 6 [1977]
Dear John – are you trudging through the drifted snow these days?  I haven't noticed any thing about the colleges being closed but many public schools seem to be having trouble with roads being drifted with snow or not enough fuel for heat so are closed for a time.

The latest word from N.V. your Mother & Mary V. are thinking of going to Calif. while your Dad takes in the Toy Show.  Perhaps you know more about their plans than I do.  Roberta rather thinks she may be in Fla. for a short visit next month.

The cool air still lingers with us in Fla. although we hare having more sunshine so warmer weather may be with us soon.

Yesterday Aunt Mary & I attended a luncheon & dress show at the Breakers Hotel Palm Beach, sponsored by the Exchange Club in Lake W.  It was real nice but mostly Women's Pant suits which doesn't interest me too much.  It was hard to eat, watch the show, clap hands all at the same time.  Seems to me like a slip up in plans.

We had a nice service today as it had been announced Canadian Sunday.  A number attended making a full church.  The choir sang the C. anthem & one song – What a Friend we have in Jesus which was written by a Canadian.  This month will be the largest attendance at services.

Aunt Mary & I drove out to the beach this afternoon but since the air is still cold not many in water.  A man was feeding a number of sea gulls with bread and they were interesting to watch.

The Bride & Groom [Cris] are now settled in the trailer home but that is one step you must think hard & long about.  (If you remember what you wrote in your last letter.)

Love, Grandma

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