Thursday, February 02, 2017

1967 Roberta's letter from Barnesville -Feb.3

[postmarked 2/3/67]
Dear Mom, Dad and everybody,

Now in study hall (last period of the day) tomorrow I only have 3 classes : Algebra, Geography and study hall.  I got my homework all done in them.

I got 3 letters today!  One from daddy (which included Aunt Mary's and Grandma's), Janice Carroll and Debbie Abdon.  It took me all recess to read them.

I just got back from Home Ec.  Yesterday we made cream puffs and meat loaf.  Today it was French toast and vanilla custard.  We are making stuff with eggs in it.

Don't worry about the bus schedule or nothing cause I already got a round-trip bus ticket from here to Columbus ordered.  See you gotta fill out this little piece of paper saying what you want and then the school gets them ahead of time and you buy them from the school.  This one girl from Cinn. was going to bring this other girl home with her but they changed their mind and the girl from Cinn. is going to go home with the other girl so they got room for me.

Guess What ? ? ?

You know I told you that I was on library clean up this time, well I'm on FARM WORK for next time!  I about died when they announced it!  This will start the week I get back!  (sorry about being so messy)

The two Indian girls are coming tomorrow night!

Since this is Friday night we only have study hall for an hour, and then the social, every week one class has the social.  This week the freshman have it, we are going to have a "babysitting" one.  Usually everybody babies the freshman so tonight for a change we are going to be babying them.  We got all sorts of baby games picked out, for instance: musical chairs, drop the hanky, and then we will say the first line of a fairy rhyme and they will have to finish it.  It should be different!

By the way, the only time you are allowed to wear slacks is when you have sports or on Saturday afternoon!  (double ugh)

This afternoon we all went to Binns (Roi, Sylvia, and myself).  Right beside Binns is this discount drug store and dry cleaning outfit, hair place, and that's about it.  We messed around awhile, bought some stuff, nothing major and then we saw Teacher Nan (Teacher Tom's wife) and she drove us home.

We are only allowed six town trips, but if we want to go to the library and nothing else they don't count.

everybody write  I sent Grandma and Granddaddy a letter today.

Don't get me a ticket for the game on Friday night (or a bus seat) I changed my mind and don't want to go!


Was nice to talk to you last night but cost me 55¢


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