Monday, August 23, 2021

1981 Family Letter -Aug.22

 Saturday --
August 22, 1981

Dearest Family --

Hardly seems possible that it has been almost two years since we all got together for John and Carol's wedding.  We were happy to get to see them last Monday at the State Fair.  It was nice that they took time to come and see Mary Virginia and her group sing.  We were real pleased that MV got 2nd place of the evening and her group also got 2nd place in their category too.  Of course we thought they should have had first but then we are slightly prejudiced.  There were seven soloists and five groups (no choirs) participating so if the NV United Church had had a choir there they could have taken first place.  They are graded on a point system and the top ten are called back to try for the grand prizes next Saturday, Aug. 29th.  So even the 2nd place winners have a chance.  MV was the second youngest one of the soloists so if she should try again will be able to do that much better.  We can't get the radio station that was sponsoring the contest -- it comes from New Albany, Ohio, above (?) Columbus.

Grandma was happy to get her ticket today Roberta and thoughtful of you to include a card to send back to let you know that she received it OK.  She will be leaving before too long.  Glad that you tried especially hard to see that she got her trip to Alaska.  Hope all goes well for both of you.  She hopes that there will be other young people on the trip for company for you, Roberta.

We went out to the Harners today for an open house for Marvin Fawley and his new bride -- seems like a real nice girl and reminds me of Peggy who was also there as well as Stan and his wife and Elaine and her baby and Jenny and John Harner.  They have four children -- the oldest starts to kindergarten this fall and Jenny has a daughter from her first marriage, who will be in 5th grade.  Jenny is going to teach home ec at the Hillsboro Junior High -- she also plays the organ at the Friends Meeting and has been working in the Hillsboro Hopital.  A good manager?

I talked to Aung Virginia this morning on the phone -- it was her birthday and tried to call her back a couple of times but she was out -- had gone to a wedding where Maureen was a maid of honor or bridesmaid.  We are trying to make final arrangements about next weekend when we attend the New Cumberland alumni get-together.

Looking forward to seeing Serena Monday evening -- Dad has some business in Chicago so will come back Wednesday.  She plans to stay with us at 777 Michigan Ave.  They don't have the indoor pool but perhaps we can make use of the outdoor pool there.  Guess the two John Hancock apartments were filled.

It is a busy time for school starts Monday too and I should be here to start library instruction.  Cheryl Mongold had an operation and is not able to teach for a few weeks so there will be a substitute.  The girl who did her practice teaching was planning to take over but she has been offered a full time job so don't know whether she'll be on hand or not.  Can't believe this is the beginning of Mary Virginia's senior year.

Glad the library job is going well, Catherine.  We are looking fwd to seeing all the Morgans in October.  Your Mother has been over to the school library several days this week getting ready for the new year.  Thru the Burke fund we got a new card catalog & paperback rack.

At Wells we are mailing out our new prices for 1982 -- these high freight costs makes it very hard for the small fellow to compete and some of the big ones -- like Wards -- are losing millions.  It makes the world go around.

Best wishes to John and Carol and Virginia -- wish we could have been with you to help celebrate.

Our very best love to all of you.

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