Tuesday, August 17, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter -Aug.17

Monday, August 17, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  Sorry I didn't get a letter off to you last week.  Hopefully the one I sent to new Orleans will catch up with you sooner or later.

We have another busy week ahead of us.  No meetings until Thursday night when Gerry has Elks and I have Bunco.  But we have to fix the Thursday night dinner again this week.  There is a blood drive on Wednesday night so we will probably do the cooking on Tuesday night and then heat it up on Thursday.

We are hoping to go on a raft trip next Saturday as that will be our last chance to go before DeeDee returns to California.  The following weekend Gerry has to work on Saturday, we have to go to an Elks meeting (a district meeting) in Prineville on Sunday and then she is leaving on Monday.

Saturday I went to the AAUW brunch.  It is an annual event (two years in a row now!) to get things in gear for the fall.  There were about 30 women there and the hostess served this really delicious casserole made out of eggs, bread, milk, cheese and mushroom soup.  [Doesn't sound that delicious to me now.]  She served fruit with it.  They had some musical entertainment.  I am trying to get the AAUW to go together with the library to have a book sale.  They also have a lot of sub-groups which meet separately from the main meeting.  I am in the reading group and I'm in hopes we can get permission of the library board to have the meetings at the library.  My first library board meeting will be September 1st. 

Yesterday we went to the Elks picnic.  That was the third year we have been to that so we are beginning to feel like real old-timers.  They had a turn out of about 150 people so there was quite a crowd.  The Elks furnish BBQ chicken and drinks and everybody brings something for the rest of the pot-luck.  After that was over about 4:00 we went to a swimming party.  Wendy had a wonderful time swimming and playing with her friend Darcy but I think DeeDee was pretty bored.  It made for a big day.

Several months ago I took some of Wendy's and my clothes to the consignment shop here and Saturday I went to see how my account was doing.  I could hardly believe I made $34.25!  I thought that was good for things that I would have given away otherwise.  I make 50% of whatever they sell it for.  So I gave them another bag of things and see how well I will do on them.  After they keep the things for four months (?) you have the option of picking them up or they give them to the thrift shop.

Things at the library are going extremely well.  I have been through one week of the "routine" so this week should be even better.  I am amazed that there still seem to be lots of people here that I hadn't met!

Looking forward to seeing you in October and Grandma and Roberta in a few weeks.  This is our week for getting the monthly bulletin for the Elks printed and addressed.  I need to take it over to the newspaper office this morning before work so better close so I will have time to do that.

Catherine, Gerry, DeeDee & Wendy

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