Wednesday, August 04, 2021

1971 Roberta's Letter -Aug.1


August 1, 1971
(1:00 A.M.)

Dear Family,

Hi!  Thanks alot for your letter today.  Also for the two articles -- they were both very interesting.

By the way -- I haven't got the letter you sent Saturday yet.  I imagine I'll get it soon tho -- hope so.  I'm anxious to see about what U.C. had to say about my credits.

Do send in the registration for the deal at U.C. the 23rd.  Does it just last one day?  I wrote Portland Community College a letter concerning the course I took there & told them to write U.C.  That would be exciting if it transferred too!!

I was really surprised about my name being in the paper for honors list.  I thought my 'C' in archery would keep me off even tho my average was high enough!

I got a good laugh out of what Elizabeth Johnson said about "her girl" & what she said to Oscar.  Poor Oscar -- I bet he was in a state of shock!!

When I get home I'll get someone to kill me a ground-hog & I'll fix it for you all & the Browns & the Johnsons.  There is plenty of fat in them for everyone!!  I'm not sure if I could make myself kill one.  If Elizabeth knew me & archery she would have never suggested me getting out my archery set to shoot one.

Do tell Elizabeth & Oscar Hello.  I'll try & write them but time doesn't always allow me to do all the writing I would like to do.

My rash is drying up!! Thank God for the second batch of medicine!!  Patsy's house was broken into while we were at Douglas Lake.  We don't think anything was taken but our stuff was run through, etc.  We think it was just (?) some kids having their fun.  (?!)  I've gotten so it doesn't even faze me when I know someone has been in my stuff.  As long as Patsy's stuff isn't messed with, or they get into something of our stuff that we have to give to the mission.  Reports, etc.

Maria did get Mary V's letter.  Um -- don't know how I came up with the name Maria over the phone.  Sorry about that!!

Thanks for the info about washing the sleeping bag.  I do hope you all don't mind that it went to Thetis for Teen camp.

I sure have been wearing these gym shoes ever since I got them in the mail.  I think they are the only shoes I've worn since I got them!

Sounds like I'll be able to see alot of people at Catherine's wedding!!  You mentioned about the Goodings being there.  Plus Aunt Virginia & the Hinermans.

We went into Merritt today.  I checked for sure about the buses going to Vancouver.  I' think I'll take the 10:30 A.M. but out of Merritt and get in Vancouver at 5:30.  From there it should be interesting!!  Do pray that I'll be able to keep cool, calm & collected!!

Well -- we are getting used to living back at the school.  You know it has always been easy for me to Thank God for Good things -- for example at Patsy's -- the bed I had, bathtub, washing machine, hot-water, etc. etc.  But to thank God has really changed my attitude about being thankful for everything.  For which, I'm very thankful!!!

Do hope you let me know about those totem poles.  I talked to someone today in Merritt about getting them.

Well -- it's way past my bed-time.  I've got two more letters to answer and about  20  I'd like to write -- but not going to make it tonight!!

Do tell everyone hello for me & see you all the 14th probably -- don't see how I can get there any earlier.

Love in Christ,

Sunday morning 10:00 A.M.

P.S.  Our hot plate no longer works.  Will have to see about getting the coleman stove again -- or maybe another hot plate.  Such is life . . . .

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