Wednesday, August 11, 2021

1981 Catherine's Letter -Aug.4


Tuesday, August 4, 1981

Dear Mother, Dad, and Mary,

Hi!  I am a little slow in getting this letter off this week but I figured you folks would be in New Orleans anyway so you should get it at the same time!  This is a busy week for us.  Last night we had Carl (who works at the Co-op) and his family over for dinner.  His family (wife and 15 year-old daughter plus 10-year-old twin daughters - also a son but he is in North Dakota) is just here for a few days to look for a house.  They haven't sold their house in North Dakota yet and are hoping to sell it before they move out here.

Tonight we all went over to the Elks to cook the Thursday night dinner -- enchiladas, refried beans and Spanish rice.  Now all I have to do on Thursday is to bake the enchiladas, and heat up the beans and rice.  We were supposed to cook enough for 30 so we have 72 enchiladas, 6# of beans and 4# of rice.  I am getting off work at 4:00 on Thursday so I will have time to do everything.

Tomorrow night I have a Ladies of Elks meeting.  I am on the hostess committee for August & September.  Some of the other ladies are fixing the refreshments but I said I would help to serve and clean up afterwards.

Also the County Fair is this week.  Family Day is on Thursday and all the rides are half price so I plan to take DeeDee and Wendy out after we finish with the dinner at the Elks.  Then we will probably go over the weekend with Gerry.  The parade is on Saturday morning and then a big BBQ after that.  And then on Sunday the Elks have a Buckaroo Breakfast.

We took a raft trip down the river on Sunday.  We went to the next stop down the river from where we usually go -- to South Junction which is probably about another hour trip from Trout Creek.  It was nice because there were more rapids than in the part we had been on before.  We survived without any of us falling in the water.  DeeDee & Gerry did all the paddling so it was very relaxing for me.  I kept Wendy entertained.  We went with three other couples who each had their own rafts.  It was a long day though as Gerry left about 9:30 in the morning to take the truck to South Junction, and we didn't get back home until about 9:00 at night.  One of the guys kept stopping to fish (itis illegal to fish from a boat so you have to stop and fish from the side) and he was catching so many fish that he didn't want to quit.  That probably delayed us about two hours

We got a letter from Serena yesterday which she had mailed to New Vienna and then was forwarded to us at our old address -- better tell Esther (or whoever) about our P.O. box.  Better close now -- I have a few other things which should be done!

Love, Catherine, Gerry
DeeDee & Wendy

P.S. Gerry did take the girls to the fair last night.  They had a good time.  Wendy even went on a "whirly-gig" type ride with DeeDee.  Wendy's favorite was a place where you jump up & down on these big plastic bubble like things.  They didn't have a merry-go-round.  She also liked to ride the little cars & a train.  Today is half price on the rides so I'll take them tonight after I finish fixing dinner at the Elks.

Hope you enjoyed New Orleans!

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