Saturday, September 05, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Sep.23


Tuesday --
Sept. 23, 1980
Dearest Family -

Today is Wendy's third birthday and how we wish we could be with her to celebrate the occasion!  It is good to talk to her on the phone but the visit in August was so good and we'll cherish those memories.  Wish her picture with her Dad didn't have those yellow lines on it for think it is so good.  We plan to call this evening but will understand if they aren't home.

Enjoyed talking to Serena Saturday on the phone and making our plans to go to Chicago on Oct. 3 for the weekend -- we had thought she might rather meet us someplace else to get out of the "windy city" but there is much to do there and guess she prefers to not travel.  Hope that Dad can get one of the Imperial Smelting apartments.  

Grandma shared a letter she got from Roberta yesterday and their plans are finalizing for Grandma's arrival on October 1st.  Wish we could see the senior center and their new home too but may get out there before 1981.  They plan to visit the Morgans the weekend of Oct. 10-13 or so but I am sure they will be letting them know more definitely before that time -- hope I have those dates right.

Looking forward to having John and Carol here this weekend -- Mary Virginia saw them last night briefly at the Gaither [?] concert in Columbus -- Dad won't be back til Saturday as he has a trip to Dallas so will be coming back Saturday afternoon -- could have come Friday but was able to save over $100 by staying til Saturday.  Friday night is EC's Homecoming, the Bandboosters Chili Supper and also the night the Republicans are honoring Harsha.  So there are two places we should be but plan to go to Lees Creek.

It is now Wednesday and we did get to talk to Wendy and her mother last night.  She talks so plainly (Wendy, that is for we know that Catherine talks plainly).  Granddaddy was really impressed with her, "Hello, Granddaddy".

Finally got to the restaurant that both Roberta and John had recommended -- Houston Supper Club near Mason, Ohio -- last Sunday.  They do have a most impressive salad bar.  Vivian Cochran has been there was telling about it Friday at the SOS class meeting - luncheon.  We saw quite a few from Clinton County that we knew -- Clarence Sheeter among others.

I have devotions for the Woman's Club meeting today and found that book that you gave us most helpful, Roberta.  It really has good illustrations -- 7700 which covers most every topic.

Joellen Uhl used the Country Inns book that you Morgans gave us and said that all the recommendations that she used held up to her expectations.  We haven't seen her but MV did so anxious to hear more about her trip to New England -- all by herself.

Really sorry to hear about William Wesley's dog bite -- but glad to hear he is much better now.  That was a freak accident.  I'm sure our family remembers several dog bites from the paper carrier days but none so bad that hospitalization was necessary.

Mary Virginia seems to be enjoying the square dancing lessons this time around and we are keeping up so far at least.  Tim and Tina Larrick seem to catch on quickly.  We were also happy to have Don and Martha Ann Bernard show up last night.  We tried to get them interested last year but Martha Ann thought it would be too much for Don.  We had thought that George and Betty Gano might start but they have had a good excuse each time so far.  Jennifer is expecting a baby any time now and they are taking care of her little girl.  Someone told us that than Edna and Ray Walls would like to take lessons but they had revival services last week and couldn't get them on the phone yesterday.

At Judy Clay's suggestion we went to the Church of Christ revival services here in town but though we enjoyed the music, the evangelist really blasted other churches and their beliefs -- especially non-immersion.  To top it off I had promised Carol Wise to go to the airport with her to pick up Jim.  So had to walk out so am sure that they thought we were upset.  Jim's plane got in at 10:55 PM.  We were glad that he and his parents got to the East Mesa Senior Center and also to your house, Roberta.  That was Friday.

Saturday we went to Xenia for the East Clinton band was marching in the Old Fashioned Day parade (1½ hours long) and that evening there was a band demonstration -- about 10 bands took part.  East Clinton was one of the smallest (both in size of band and school) but did real well.  They are also taking part in two competitions -- one at Miami Trace and another at Glen Este (suburb of Cincinnati).  This Saturday they are marching in a parade at Jamestown.

I found the directions that Mrs. Thornburg had given me to send to you, Roberta for the purse so will try to send it out with G'ma among some other things like pictures we took this summer.

Serena, Dad says that he called and got the only apartment they had left which is the one on Michigan Avenue -- 777 which has many advantages.  Do you want us to bring over any food?  We got some more lamb from the Keltners [Kentners? some letters are typed over] -- and have been enjoying Hubbard squash from Clyde Irwins -- they don't seem to like them and haven't been using them at all.  We have plenty of the little tomatoes (bigger than cherries but not very large at all) and also zucchini and some broccoli left in the garden but that's about it.  There are also some good apples and pears at the Wise which they aren't using and are good.  The apples taste like grimes golden.  Their trees have rally been loaded too this year.

Our grapes have been bearing for the first time this year -- they are white.  Grandma's aren't quite as plentiful but many people's are less productive this year.  Apples are very abundant.  

We turned the furnace on this morning, so fall is officially here -- in more ways than one.  The women at the church have started having weekly get togethers to make things for the Christmas bazaar.  N.V. is having an October Fest this weekend (wonder about the name) but anyway it will start with services in the town park, then square dancing, etc. at 8:30 P.M.  The local tennis courts are finished as far as the paving, but no nets or fences (which we definitely need).

We did watch the debates [Ronald Reagen vs. Jimmy Carter] Sunday evening and wonder if the 2nd one will come off in Portland, Oregon?  Of local interest we have our Judge running for a seat in the new judicial district, then some of the "locals" hope to get his job.  That's life.

Love, [etc.]

1 comment:

Mary Uible Crowson said...

The name of the family that sold the lamb is indeed Keltner. As I recall they were known in the area for raising sheep and showed often at the Clinton County Fair where the folks would usually purchase a lamb and keep the processed meat in the freezer for use the following months.

Items from Uible photo album