Monday, September 07, 2020

1990 MV's Letter -Sep.25


Dear Mom & Dad --

Welcome Back!  Not knowing exactly when you'll arrive, I hope this letter arrives there before you.  Hope you had a good trip and enjoyed Elderhostel once again.  I heard an ad on Public Radio the other day that there would be an informational meeting on Elderhostel in Lexington . . . .

Well, the interview in Somerset went pretty well last week.  I was the 4th of 5 to be interviewed (the 5th interviewed 9-23).  The Staff-Parish Committee will be meeting this coming Sunday to make the decision.  It was the first interview I had been to where they videotaped it!  There were 2 members who were out of town for some of the interviews, so supposedly everyone gets an equal chance that way.  It will be nice to know one way or the other.

My job at Shakertown is going well.  Next week I will work on Monday also to fill in for the other girl who sings.  It is an easy job; at 11, 1, 2, 3, 4 I sing and do a 10 minute presentation on Shaker worship.  The rest of the day (9:30-6:00) I just have to greet visitors who wander in.  There is a large closet with a window off the side of the meeting room where I can sit and do whatever.  Because the meeting room is large, it's easy to hear the big door open (it echoes) when someone does come in.

Friday we are going to Georgia with Cathy & Jay (our "boarder" & fiance) as they have some social events to attend.  We will stay in Macon Friday night and then Saturday go on down to Moultrie for a shower & a dinner party in their honor.  We should be home Sunday evening.

The team meetings have been a lot of fun; with the two that were on Sunday, I was exhausted having worked 6 days then to drive to Wilmington & back seemed longer than usual.  Unless something changes, I am sure this will be the last time I do a team at home.  It is simply too draining physically with 5 hours on the road.

Don is enjoying his classes, especially preaching.  He doesn't complain about the reading he has to do for it!  He's also taking U.M. Theology, Servant as Teacher and  ?  (I can't remember the other).  It doesn't seem possible that Christmas is only 3 months away!  We are talking about flying to Texas for the holidays, but not knowing whether we'll be in Somerset or   ?   we won't be making plans for another couple weeks at least.

Don said Serena called last night while I was at work and talked for about 45 minutes.  We haven't heard a thing from J.B. or the Morgans.  Roberta called a couple weeks ago to see if she could send me panty hose.  A few days later a big box (probably 50-75 prs of hose) arrived -- all Q's, which I will pass on to Serena.  

We did go out to lunch with the Hortons & Grandma after doing the service in New Vienna.  That van is terrible on gas mileage.  I couldn't believe how quickly it went.  I suppose the chair-lift is so heavy that it really cuts down on the mileage.

Did I tell you I got elected to the Board of Directors for Lexington Emmaus?  My first board meeting (end of Aug) lasted 4 hours!  I thought it would never be over.  I was secretly thankful when I had to work last night so I didn't have to go.  My responsibilities are Music & Entertainment:  getting music for gatherings, sponsors hour, Candlelight, Closing & Entertainment for Saturday Night Dinner during the Walks.  I'm trying to get a few months ahead on music for the gatherings -- This fall we had to move our walks from the Methodist Home in Versailles.  The building we had been using was closed by the Fire Marshall.  That means the cost will now be approximately $80 in order to have it anywhere else.  There are no local churches that have facilities to accommodate a walk.

We took the Honda in for the 30,000 mile check up a couple weeks ago -- we did not anticipate the extra work on the brakes -- they had been squeaking badly.  Another mechanic had told me that it was caused by a glaze on the rotors which often happens on Hondas.  We're trying to get a duplicate title for Don's car from Oklahoma -- somewhere in the move to Kentucky the original was lost.  🙁 Oklahoma wants an arm & a leg for a duplicate, but if we want to sell it or get plates, we will have to pay up.  I can't believe anyone could lose something so important.  

Hope you found the tape of the worship service on the table.  We accidentally left the remainder of the milk and a piece of chicken in the fridge.  I'm sure both are spoiled by now.

With the cooler weather, it is taking ingenuity to stay warm at Shakertown.  They haven't turned on the furnace and my costume is very light weight.  On the bottom I wear long johns & 2 pairs of socks but with the round neckline, even a t-shirt or anything shows.  I've been trying to think of some way to keep the top warm.  I bring my lunch, as they have a microwave and a fridge available.  We are allowed to eat at the "Summer Kitchen" (Sandwich Shop) but the prices are exorbitant!

You all are welcome to come visit anytime.  I sing on Tuesdays and Thursdays; (and) the ladies that work here are very nice.  The only part I don't like is this costume we have to wear.  Call when you get home.  Welcome Back!


M.V. and Don

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