Friday, September 04, 2020

1970 Roberta's Letter -Sep.23


Sept 23, 1970
[George Fox College, Newberg, Oregon]
Dear Everyone,

Hello There!  Well -- I just put away all of my suitcases.  It's now 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. -- Ohio time.  Oh, I'm tired.

What an orientation!  As of 9:00 tomorrow morning we will start taking tests!

It is sure cold here!  My lined C.P.O. sure felt good!

We stopped in Portland to buy a pillow.  I had to pay $7.00 for it.  Now all I need is 1) blankets, 2) pillow cover & case and 3) rugs.  Tonight I'm going to sleep in my long jeans!  I have a nice desk.

The desk has book shelves, above it and also a long bulletin board that runs the whole length of the bed and is about 2½ feet long.

Well.  Do write and I'll be writing you all.

Tell Grandma Hello for me.  I'll be sure and write her.

We have simply a beautiful view out of our windows.  The back half of the room is mostly window.  I'm on the 3rd floor!  How much would it cost to send my camera?

Lots of Love,

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