Tuesday, September 15, 2020

1960 Catherine's Early Memories


The First Thing I Remember

Several years ago my mother and father spent two months in Europe.  While they were there my sister and I stayed on a farm with friends of my parents.

On the farm there were cows, chickens, and an old barn that we were told never to go near because it might cave in on top of us.  Of course, this was our favorite place to play.

Every morning and evening the cows were milked.  This was especially fun because we sometimes got to try the milking ourselves.  Although the first few times usually ended in disaster, by the time we went home we were professional milkers.  

Every cow had a name and we had a personal conversation with each every time they were milked.  

The part I enjoyed the most was the grinding of the feed.  I always had a desire to jump in with the corn, get ground up, put in a sack and then surprise my parents when they came home.

My favorite pastime was sitting on the tractor and pretending I could drive.  I did this for hours on end and made several interesting trips around the world.  I was devoured by cannibals, squashed in an elephant stampede, and murdered by a tribe of wild Indians.

Every morning it was my duty to gather the eggs which usually numbered between one and two dozen.  I had my own special basket which I always used.  One morning after I had reached the barn I realized I had forgotten my basket.  I should have known then I was headed for trouble, but I didn't bother to think twice.  I proceeded to gather the eggs and put them in my pockets.  At the time I considered myself lucky to have such big pockets.  When I got back to the house, got scolded, and saw what a mess I had made I wished I hadn't had any pockets at all.

--by Catherine Uible

1 comment:

Mary Uible Crowson said...

Your ability and style of writing show both exceptional talent and depth of reading (which makes a good writer) far and above most adults double or triple your age and you were only 11? I could see every event happening under Oscar and Elizabeth's watchful eyes. And I can only imagine Elizabeth's stunned look when you arrived with the eggs in your pockets! This would make a great children's book!

Items from Uible photo album