Sunday, November 26, 2017

1967 Catherine's Letter -Nov.25

November 25, 1967

Dear Mother, Dad, Serena, John and Mary,

Hi!  Got a letter from you all this morning, and I'm glad to hear you all survived the virus or whatever.

I have spent maybe a half hour studying since Wednesday.  Maybe I should have gone home for Thanksgiving to get caught up on my homework.  The worst part is that I have nothing really pressing to be done but before the end of the quarter . . . .

  1. ART – Not much better than it ever was.  I have made a little progress on my term paper.  J.F. Peto's wife was from Lerado, Ohio which has since gone out of existence I think.  Last week we finished studying sculpture and we are now on architecture which is 100% improvement.  However, it has come too late in the quarter to help my grade average much and I'm still maintaining a D average.  I just hope I can do well enough on the final to keep the D.
  2. PHYSICS –  keeps getting more difficult and as the difficulty increases my grade decreases.  On our second hour exam which we received back yesterday out of a possible 100 points the grades in the class ranged from 0-82.  The average was 51 and I got 57 which is probably a C.  My average at the moment is pretty unstable and could fluctuate either direction depending on the final.  I am therefore, hoping for a C.
  3. MATH – is about the same.  After two tests, I still have a B average and unless something drastic happens which I am certainly not looking forward to, I may pull out with a B.
As for the chem test, I did well enough so that I won't have to take it next quarter.  However my grade was below average which means I'm going to have to study that mach harder.

Wednesday night I went with Tom W. to see the play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" which was downtown at Carver Center.  We doubled with Sarah and Greg and had a great time.  Tom is from Chillicothe and Greg from Hamilton so except for Sarah from Colorado we had a convention of Southern Ohioans.

We had a great time at Gertie's on Thursday.  Counting Gertie and her parents there were seven of us: Alice, Susan, Sarah and me.  Gertie's mother must have spent hours fixing all the food!  Her father sells farm equipment or something in that line so they live out in the country.  Gertie did take us in and showed us around Battle Creek for awhile  We saw Kellogg's.  Rah!

Yesterday we came back to the dreary old classes with about 20% of the students present and attending.  Big thrill!  Good old Miss Wood never gives up and she kept eight of us who were stupid enough to go to class 25 minutes late.  How disgusting!  When we finally got out of class I was rushing over to Saga to eat before the line closed when I walked right by this unfamiliar looking boy who obviously was not a K student.  I really didn't think too much about it though since a lot of people's families are here.  However, when this "strange" person said "Hi! Catherine." I just about fell over.  My very own cousin and I didn't even recognize him!

Joe thought it was really funny but I must say I was really embarrassed.  When we walked in Saga everyone immediately jumped to the conclusion that this was my "boyfriend from home" and why hadn't I ever told anyone.  Things finally calmed down when the word got around that he was only my cousin!

Tom and I gave him an extensive tour of the campus which lasted a record 45 minutes.  We kind of had to drag it out though!  It certainly was a surprise to see him (I didn't get your letter until today saying that he might call.)  and that dear kind lady, Aunt Frances, sent the mot delicious cookies and a little pumpkin pie.  Of course, they are all gone by now.

Last night I had really good intentions of settling down and really getting some studying done.   What a joke!  Tom came over and we were going to watch TV or something when I remembered that those library books which I took out when you all were here were due yesterday.  So we trotted down to the library instead.

Tonight I have a date with John.  This afternoon I am planning to work some more on the art paper, and study math.  And tomorrow with the exception of going to church with John the whole day is going to be dedicated to physics lab and physics.

I don't know how this roommate bit is going to work out.  Nothing new has happened in the last week or so.

It is almost lunch time so I think I better be signing off now.  Only 21 days until those horrid exams will be finished!


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