Thursday, October 20, 2016

1976 Catherine's Letter -Oct.26

October 26, 1976

Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  Well, I am finally getting around to answering your last letter.  I asked Roberta today if she had written to you but things have been changing so fast for her that I guess she was hoping things would settle a bit so she would know what to write.  You should hear from her soon.  I'll let her tell you all her own news.

Gerry and I have been keeping busy.  We've been to the beach the past two weekends where the water is about 68º a little cool but not bad once you get used to it.  The beaches are very nice and not at all crowded this time of year.  We took Deedee and her cousin Diane (who is Mary V's age) this past Sunday and had a picnic.  There was quite a strong tide and the water had quite a bit of seaweed in it so it wasn't so good for swimming as it was the time before.  We were hoping Roberta would be able to go with us but she wasn't able to.

Mary Virginia do I owe you a letter?  I thought I answered the last one you sent but I wasn't sure.  Please let me know.  I was very surprised to hear you all got a cat.  Mother, you must be overjoyed, I know how much you always water a cat. Ha! Ha! (As Aunt Mary would type.)

It has gotten a little cooler here.  It rarely gets above 80º during the day and down in the 60's or high 50's at night so it is hard to realize that fall is actually upon us.  Christmas will be a real surprise.  I got some sunburn at the beach.

It sounds like things are changing around New Vienna, and Wilmington too.  You'll have to send us some pictures.  Of course you can have a rain check for some time after December.  We'd love to have you come anytime.

The weekend before last we took Deedee ice skating at a rink near where she lives.  I did pretty good considering I can't remember when I was last on ice skates.  I only fell down once and that was when I was keeping Deedee from falling down.  I still have the ice skates that I got when ? but they are in Maine packed up with the stuff we didn't bring out here with us.

I have been working on an afghan which is about 3/4 finished.  I was taking it to work with me to work on during lunch, etc. but it has gotten too big so I am now working on it at home in some of my idle moments.

Well, I have some other letters to answer so I better get to them.  I don't write letters all that often but when I do I try to answer all that I owe.  I have to write to Grandma yet, one of my friends from Sanford that I used to go bowling with, and I owe a letter to Sue Durham who you may recall as Sue Steusloff I spent some time with her in Denver during the summer of 1968.  She and her husband and two children are now living in Oregon.  [This is the same Susie (last name now Cook) that has been to visit in Arizona and saw Roberta and John in Wisconsin recently.]

Write us again soon!

Love, Catherine & Gerry

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