Sunday, August 07, 2011

August 8, 1981,89-99

John's Bachelor Party, Don & Aunt Mary birthdays

HH's Diary 1988-1999 [lightly edited]

Saturday, 1981 - [New Orleans for ABA] MV, Mie Young, Jean and I all in New Orleans for ABA meeting.  Ate at Anything Goes at 727 Iberville.  [Closed in the mid 1980s, now the Penthouse Club at that address.]

Tuesday 1989 - [Hawaii for ABA] Took Sociological tour of Honolulu, three hours $15.

Wednesday 1990 - Don C. and MUH birthdays

Thursday 1991 - Went to Ashland to see Nancy Kolp [Nancy Hadaway, Controller and Nancy Patterson, Purchasing Agent listed on their website] of National Latex, had lunch at "A" Country Club, then to Newark to meet John at the Bank, got the Tux, then went to Bill Moore's home for "bachelor party."  Got home about midnight.  Julie just got a job teaching 8th grade English.  GHU seemed very alert about going to the wedding. 

Saturday 1992 - [San Francisco for ABA] Went to Bar Meeting and then we met for supper at Julius' Castle [closed 2008] on Telegraph Hill, quite a walk but very nice, 3-stars in Mobil Tour Book.  We had rack of lamb $40.

Sunday 1993 - [Gold Beach OR] Went on a long jet boat ride, 104 miles, $65.  Had lunch at the Paradise Lodge.  Lots of kids on the way wanted to use those "water guns."  Got better acquainted with Linda and Pete Johnson, Kent WA, who are very outgoing.  At the Tu Tu Tun Lodge we all ate at tables of 8, very easy to get acquainted with people.

Monday 1994 - Crowsons arrived, had birthday party here for MUH and Don.

Thursday 1996 - [Essex, Montana for Family Reunion at Glacier National Park to home] Back from Essex MT after five days there at Izaak Walton Inn, what a place for train buffs, really very nice.

Friday 1997 - [Amazon Camp Peru] Jean stayed here and I went out in a dugout canoe, killed a wild pig.  We went upstream, the big river bends and had to cut limbs to get through.  Saw an electric eel, and carrion over a long boa. 

Saturday 1998 - [J. Raymond] Smith sale in Sabina with Bob Roach as auctioneer, he is 78 "not retired, just tired."  [Website says call Anna Marie Roach]  He has been married to his second wife for a year.  Item in paper about Microsoft, in 1986 was 37¢/share now $105/share ($10,000 → $2.5 million)

Sunday 1999 - 130 at Church.  Action Singers (1972) group helped.  Judy Henderson Croghan is leader of new Action Singer Group.  Minister spoke on 5 loafs and 2 fishes.  Quite appropriate as there was enough food left over from last night [Action Singers Reunion] that we had dinner today for everyone after Church.  Had a little shower, much needed.  The Wendell Walkers are now on E. Main.  Sharon Henderson Rider talking about how bad Rev. Rider is health wise, he is 69.  Had quite a chat with Howard Wolfrom, he is just helping around the house now.  Ann has lost 10#.  We went to Blue Jacket [Drama performance, closed and filed for bankruptcy in 2007] (near Xenia).  Enjoyed the performance.

2010 HH added: Howard Wolfrom: Some years earlier we went on a canoe trip (it was work portering between navigable waters and putting up the tents at night) with them to upper Ontario.

Always enjoy your research in the blog about places that have gone out of business. National Latex was one of Well's big customers, but then they went broke and Pioneer Rubber took them over.
MV added in 2010: I just enjoy reading and being reminded of things we enjoyed--not to mention Dad's point of view!

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