Thursday, October 15, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Oct.23


Thursday Evening

Dear Family,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DADDY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!  Maybe Mary Virginia can add the right tune to make my birthday greetings to you.

Thanks for your last letter.  I'm sure glad that Joe made it to Ohio and had a few days to visit with you all.  Tho I'm sure the time for him there went very fast.  It was just like having Grandma here -- the time went fast -- and we didn't get everything done that I would have liked to.

I must have started six letters out at work to you all today.  We got a new typewriter out there but I just hate it.  I've tried to type on it over and over again.  The spacer is the worst of the problems it has.  It is an electric typewriter, but to get the spacer to work you have to practically beat on it.  Then it always spaces twice.  It is a "slightly used" machine . . . guess they got one very good deal on it -- but my feeling is they should have given it to us.  It's a mess!!!!  Now we have to give everyone that comes to the center an ID card -- they are supposed to be typed ----  I always feel like I could get out five by hand by the time I type one!!!

We have really had the problem out at work with people making reservations -- they have to have one for the following day -- and we are now to the point where we are turning away more than we can accept.  It creates alot of hard feelings and problems.  We are not allowed to set aside any meals -- but we do for those in extreme need.  But the big problem is that the people that live here year round cannot get preference to the winter visitors.  Then the problems really start -- the "regulars" come and see all the out of state cars in the parking lot -- and that gets them most upset.  The situation is now that by ten after eight we are filled up with how many we can take over the phone and that by 9:30 or 10:00 we are filled up with the list that we put out on the front table for those who come early.  I really dread the time when the winter visitors really start pouring in.  Most of them are just looking for a good FREE meal -- in fact it is already showing that our average donation is going way down.

Tonight I am taking a review for the CPR course.  This one is at the Deseret Sam Hospital so its pretty close by.  Seems like I really am keeping very busy -- tho sometimes at the end of the week I have to think hard about what all I've done!!  I keep thinking I should quit the moonlighting -- but I really do enjoy it too much -- and the extra money never hurts.  This last week I have worked some at home for Harry (the owner of the flower shop).  I came back to a bigger mess there after being gone two Saturdays -- than I did at the senior center.  I've been doing all of his billing -- some can be done on the computer but most of it is done the long hard way.  Harry's new shop -- out East is really picking up the business.  Now all the shops in the new shopping center are there -- he is right next to a combination card shop / book store -- it opened up just about a month ago.  I'm sure that has helped alot.

I must close . . . more later!


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