Wednesday, October 14, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter to John -Oct.23

 Thursday evening

October 23, 1980

Dear John & Carol,

Hi!  Thanks for your letter for us and Grandma and Roberta.  It arrived after they had left so I mailed it on to Grandma.  Now I can't remember much of what you wrote so you will have to send me your news all over again!

We sure had a good time while they were here.  Grandma certainly seems to be doing well.  And Wendy was old enough to interact with them.  She and Roberta got along real well.  She called Roberta "Aunt Roberta" and Roberta caller her "Wendy Jean".  They played alot of games where Roberta pretended she was Wendy Jean and Wendy was Aunt Roberta.

One of Wendy's primary things to do now is to study the Sears Christmas catalog.  She has probably looked at it a thousand times already.  I don't know if it will last until Christmas or not.  She is really excited about Christmas and Santa Claus and all that good stuff.

The weather is getting cold here.  Yesterday it got down to 16º.  We have this channel on cable TV that tells the temperature all the time and also gives the temperature with the wind chill factor.  It is neat except sometimes it makes it seem even colder.  We don't have free heat like we did last winter so we are keeping the heat lower.  Of course we are gone all day long so can keep it cool then and we have an electric blanket that Mom & Dad gave us to keep us warm at night.  That sure comes in handy.

My new job is going real well.  Did I tell you that I get a bonus?  I get 2½% of everything they take in over 9000/month as that is what they need to break even.  So far this month we have taken in $13,400 ($110 bonus) and there is still a week to go!  Our property tax bill is due in November so that will help alot!

Better go.  Hope all is well with you.  Write soon!

Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

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