Friday, October 09, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Oct.18


Saturday --
October 18, 1980
Dearest Family,

It is now 7:20 AM and Dad and Joe just left for the Cincinnati airport where Joe is getting a plane for Salt Lake City (via Atlanta).  We have had a nice visit with him -- glad to have him stay with us -- seemed strange without his parents but flying is so much easier and he can do so much more in the short time he does have.  It worked out well that he came the day before Grandma did for he was able to meet her after having spent time at the Cincinnati Art Museum and visiting Melissa Holbrook Teedtman too.

Grandma really enjoyed her trip and got home in good shape -- we sat and talked with her til long after 11 PM Thursday night (she slept til 9 Friday morning).  We did appreciate the pictures, cantaloupes, raisins, cookies, etc. that she brought back with her.  She came up for lunch yesterday and then we had home-made ice cream last night before MV had to take off for the football game to be played at Waynesville.  (They lost 33-0 -- both teams were tied for 1st place.)  We had planned to go but it poured while we were in Wilmington so decided against it -- Joe had a cold that seems to be aggravated in the evening.  Dad had a meeting at 7PM so we went to visit Elizabeth Johnson & had planned to go on from there but just too wet.  We are strictly dry weather fans -- and not to good of ones at that.

Elizabeth really appreciated her card from you, Roberta and shared it with us.  She just got back from Mackinac Island and Canada briefly having gone on a trip with the Blanchester Senior Citizens and enjoyed it immensely.

I had planned to go with Dad to see Joe off but Dad didn't think that was necessary for me to do this morning and thought we had better get a letter of to you all.  MV leaves at 11:30 today for a band contest at Miami Trace this afternoon and evening.  We plan to go up there later on.  

Heard some sad news Thursday -- Joellen Streber hasn't been too well and went in the hospital where they found she had a massive brain tumor which they can't do anything about and told them it was just a matter of days.  Her sister Janet died of cancer just two years ago before Christmas.  Her son, Jeff had been substituting for her since Tuesday (she taught Monday til Wilma took her home).

I saw Cathy Dean Fox recently and she said she and her husband are planning on building a log house on Powell Road (on foundation or near the Clifford Powell's home near the Robert Linkharts.  She asked to be remembered to you, Serena.  His family live just around the corner on Bernard Road [? mostly unreadable as the line is typed over by the next line.]

Joe told us that he is planning on selling his Trans Am and getting a Mazda.  One time the police stopped him and wanted him to take the Eagle inscription off of the hood.  He said no one observes the traffic signs.  Going to Cincy this morning was easy as virtually no traffic, we made the 60 miles in 1⅓ hours.  Did stop at Blanchester CCNB office, where Tom Brumley took me on a tour (my first one).  As Tom said it should be nice for $800,000.  John, he also mentioned what a good bank Park National was and how their officers were active in the Ohio Bankers Assn.  The bank has a community room with a very nice kitchen.

Worked over the garden earlier in the week, want to do better in 1981 in getting out an early garden than this year.  Our raspberries and the tomatoes next to the house are still growing.  The three of us went to our quarterly conference Thursday night.  (The D.S.'s wife is M.V.'s piano teacher).  We were hosts for the Martinsville and N.V. churches.  Had another call from Korea -- still trying to master the red tape to get Mie Young out of Korea.  Might be a good plot for a book.  Your mother went to the library meeting in Dayton last Monday and brought home some books to keep us out of mischief.

Love, Dad

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