Saturday, October 03, 2020

1980 Catherine's Letter -Oct.14

Tuesday, October 14, 1980

Dear Mother, Dad, & Mary,

Hi!  I can't believe how quickly this fall seems to be going by.  We sure enjoyed having Roberta and Grandma here.  A letter came today from John which was meant for Roberta & Grandma too so I will send it on in the next day or two.

We ate at the Tumalo Emporium on Sunday with Roberta and Grandma.  Do you remember eating there after our trip to Eugene in 1979?  Grandma should be able to give you other details of the highlights of her trip to Madras!  Wendy enjoyed having them here too.  She is turning into a regular chatter-box.  Perhaps it was the influence of having Roberta here.  They kept playing a game where Roberta was "Wendy Jean" and Wendy was "Aunt Roberta".

Tonight before Wendy went to bed she gave me a long discourse on Santa Claus and Christmas.  She told me she wants butter, sugar, toys and clothes for Christmas.  At least three of the four are very practical. 

My job is going really well.  I like it about 200% better than the Court House and I didn't dislike the Court House.  I think I mentioned that I get a bonus if they take in over $9000/month. -- 2½% of everything over $9000.  As of today we had taken in $7500 so I am in hopes of getting a big bonus!  It gives me incentive to keep on those slow accounts and to keep caught up on the insurance work so the money will keep pouring in!   That was a good article in The Wall St. Journal.  I went up to Citizen's Bank on Saturday morning and asked if I could copy the article so I could take it to work.  They said I might as well take the paper as they wouldn't need it!  I thought someone like Dad wouldn't appreciate it being gone if they came into read it but I took it anyway!

We have been watching all the baseball games on TV with the playoffs and now the World Series.  Are you following them at all?  And of course there is always the election news.  Oh yes, I wanted to tell you we got the Natl Geog. on the 2nd of the month!

Enjoyed Mary's "Amazing Grace" concert!

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy          


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