Saturday, November 30, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Oct.14

Sunday afternoon -
October 14, 1979
Dearest Family -

I'll start this letter and hopefully mail it by tomorrow as we often hear from a couple of you on Monday soon after we mail our letters to you.  No doubt you noticed the change in new carbon paper on the last letter we wrote and it wasn't any too soon.  The copy we sometimes made for home was really weak!!  Guess we shouldn't say too much about Aunt Mary's letters.

It has been cool with the temperature dropping in the 30's a couple days but grass is still growing and not all the garden and flowers are completely frosted.

We are making plans to visit Serena this coming week - leaving on Wednesday and taking over some things that she may need WHEN we hear more definitely from her.  She was to have gotten her phone in Thursday and so unless she calls us, we have no real way of getting in touch with her.  Dad was planning on combining this trip with business.

Grandma passed on your long typewritten note to her, Roberta and glad to hear how well you did on yours test.  Looking forward to seeing them - sounds quite complicated working on those grants, etc.

Also glad to get to talk to you yesterday, Catherine and always glad to hear about Wendy and her doings.  Sure wish that Gerry was feeling better or that we could help matters in some way.

It was good to have John and Carol here last weekend and we all enjoyed the wedding of Lisa and Marty but wrote of all that last week.  I don't know when John and Carol will get back but they are planning on spending Thanksgiving with us and Christmas with her side of the family.  As John has only one day it doesn't give them too much time to visit.

Friday was Homecoming at East Clinton and the Band Boosters served a chili supper before the game.  It had rained and was dry for the game itself but still alot of dampness and cold in the air.  (The farmers are having a time getting their soybeans and corn picked as we have had much more rain than usual this fall.)  East Clinton lost 3-2 to Cedarville.  They had won their first three games and have lost two but playing good games.

Dad was acting Sunday School Superintendent this morning and did a good job.  They dedicated new paraments at the church given by the United Methodist Women during the worship service.  Rev. Wise has had a children's sermon for the last two weeks which I was glad to see started again.

After church we drove down to Allensburg and had dinner.  Marie Broomhall and her husband were there.  Judy Clay had recommended it and it was very good food - salad bar, home made rolls and pies.  A Mrs. B. said it isn't great on atmosphere but good food.  She also recommended Rocky Fork Restaurant as it has changed hands this year and much better than it has been for some time.  We never did get down there this year.

On the way home from there we stopped to see Mrs. Priscilla Walker and she seemed very glad to see us.  I showed her some of the wedding pictures but didn't have the one of John and Carol that I thought I had with me.  We also took her some butterscotch drops which I was surprised she didn't refuse.  She kept raving over how dressed up Harold was asked if Bill Holmes had helped him.  She and Grandma had some trouble hearing each other - Mrs. W. seemed more fragile than ever but not bad for 92 years old.

I meant to tell you Catherine that we enjoyed your enchiladas last weekend when John and Carol were here.  We ate them before going to the wedding and good thing that we did for with the wedding at 6:30 and the reception so far from the church we were hungry again by then.  They were real good!! 

Sorry to hear about the loss of your necklace and other things Roberta and hope that your papers for the school turned up without too much extra work on your part - am surprised that you had to do all the chasing around.

Mary Virginia is to sing at the Sabina Baptist Church this evening she and Tim Larrick are to sing in his church next Sunday Morning.  She was also to sing at the Prayer Breakfast Friday morning (this past one) but there was such a poor turnout after the frantic work on the class floats for the Homecoming Parade.  (MV worked every night last week -- but their class won 1st place)   Ron Salisbury spoke and did a good job - not near as bashful as I had thought he might be.

Just got back from Sabina where Mary Virginia sang.  Denise Stewart accompanied Mary Virginia on the piano.  We dropped her off at her sister, Diane's house.  She (Diane) is married and her husband has four children by a previous marriage who live with them from five to 13 or 14.

Catherine, Grandma asked if you received Wendy's birthday money as she hasn't heard from you and you are always so prompt about such things.  I told her we would ask but it is unusual - perhaps either her card or your back to her might have been misplaced.

It is now Monday evening -- M.V. has left for a meeting with a group from her class to dismantle the float.  These floats are a classic example of how many hours of work for a few minutes of viewing.  M.V. is enthused about the prospects of going to Mexico next summer with Mrs. Woodruff and students in the 2nd year of Spanish.

We had a meeting tonight over at the Church at 6:30 on how to handle memorials and are going to recommend that a plaque be place in memory of the Rudisills for the church steeple.  The Church also received a nice gift of some $22,000.00 from the estate of Glenn Southerland. He left about ⅔ of his estate to two local hospitals, the Shrine Hospital and two Churches - here and in Lees Creek.  It is an interesting estate settlement as two people have sued me as executor for some $200M that they claim is due them for taking care of him for the last several years.

The Hortons have bought a new car - a Buick - and will be driving up to Mares next week then on to Ohio and then back to Lake Worth, which gives Joe one week in Florida and two weeks on the "road".   Rob is happy again as he has a new girl friend.  We haven't heard how Uncle Bill is weathering the "stock market news."  He talked of retiring this year end.  With the pessimistic economy we decided ot put on hold the purchase of that word processing typewriter.  Been noticing adds by IBM about their new electronic typewriter - one person told me it was nice but noise.  Anyway, that is a field that there will always be something new at frequent intervals.

Thanks for your letter and pictures which arrived yesterday (Monday) Catherine.  We will also try to freeze some of those little tomatoes too as that is what is most prolific now in the garden if they haven't been frozen out yet.  The frost did get some of the produce.

The Go-getters are hoping that John and Carol will plan to go with them to Cincinnati on their night out there the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  Wilma thought that Kevin and Connie would be glad to hear they might go too as they want some people nearer their age(s).

This letter has been long enough in the writing and should be on its way.

With much love to you all --

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