Friday, November 29, 2019

1969 Catherine's Letter -Oct.9

9 October 1969
Dear Mother, Dad, Serena, John, and Mary,

Hi!  I was really glad to get the letter from you yesterday as it was the first one I've gotten here at home.  Hopefully it won't be the last.  I'm sorry to hear about Grandma.  I hope she is better now.

It looks encouraging for me to meet you in Mallorca.  Dr. Spaltmann said if he didn't officially know where I was and I don't broadcast it too loudly the school (namely Stavig and Fugate) won't know the difference.  I went downtown to see about arrangements with a travel office this afternoon but I got side-tracked.  I'll try to check before we leave for Koblenz tomorrow.  It will probably be best for me to fly from Berlin on the 24.  Please send me your address there and all other pertinent info so if I do get there I can get in touch with you.  I just got through reading about it in Europe on $5 a day and it sounds like a beautiful cheap place.  Of course you don't have to worry about a place to stay.  We leave for Berlin on the 18 and my address there will be:  33 BERLIN, St. Michaelsheim, Bismarckallee 23, GERMANY

Before I got sidetracked on my way to the travel office this afternoon I went through some old churches (interesting, but I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life looking at old churches) and also went in the Rathaus where the Treaty of Westphalia was signed in 1648.

It was then I made the great discovery of the day -- the city library.  Considering the size of Münster it isn't extremely big but it has more books than I'll ever be able to read in 6 months.  There must be between 800-1000 books in English but they are mainly books that would be assigned reading for a class.  After looking through the children's books I decided I'm about on the 10 year-old level although even those books had words I didn't understand.  The books are arranged very similarly to the Library of Congress method.  I haven't stumbled across the university library yet but I understand it is supposed to be pretty nice. 


I've really been enjoying riding my bicycle around.  It gets me to school in 5 minutes instead of 20 too.

Would you please send a note to Dr. Stavig, ℅ FS, K. College saying that your daughter (namely me) has your permission to hitchhike.  And please, don't forget to sign it.  It is the acceptable ting to do and don't worry, I won't go alone.  Three of the other girls in our group already have their permissions in.

Thanks for sending me the picture although I think it is really ugly.  It's too bad because I always liked that suit.  I hope you didn't order any.

I'd love to meet Joe in France.  I wrote him a letter so now he owes me one.

John, here are a few stamps.  I'll probably just be sending you singles unless I hear otherwise.  Let me know.

Königswinter was pretty nice.  We climbing up Drachenfels which is a mountain right near there and there was a lovely view of the town and the Rhein.  There were too many people and too much drinking for my taste but I spent the day with someone who shared my feelings so we saw the other side of the mountain and a nearby town which seemed dead compared to all the excitement of the wine festival in Königswinter.

I'm looking forward to your next letter.  I hope Roberta hears positively concerning her job.




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