Tuesday, November 26, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Oct.7

Sunday Morning
10:00 A.M.
Dear Family,

Just got home from early church, World Wide Communion Sunday and quite a crowd of people out.  Winter visitors are slowly finding their way back to the Valley of the Sun . . . . and its still really hot !!!!

We had quite a day yesterday.  The special wheelchair van was there to pick up Agnes at 9:55 . . . . wasn't suppose to be there until 10:00 -- and I was just getting to the nursing home myself.  Agnes was sure ready to go.  Especially now that they keep her in bed so much.  The dog show that was to begin at 8:00 . . . . was put off till 4:30 in the afternoon.  i'm sure due to the heat.  So we went first to the mall.  I'll enclose a deal about it.  Sure is something else . . . . really nice.  Alot of stores were offering 20% off anything in the store, but except for free shopping bags nothing was being given away.  There are two very nice book stores . . . both B. Dalton and Waldrens.  (sp?)  Also a very nice christian book store . . . with alot of sheet music, etc.  Would anyone like to guess how many shopping bags I got?  They are really quite nice, plastic with handle, I'm sure I'll still have a few when you all come out.

Oh, this morning in Church, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garett sang a duet . . . sure was good.  I still haven't sung yet for Mrs. Garett.  I think I'll make her wait a little longer.

Back to the mall . . . there were so many people there.  Really made it quite hard to get around especially with the wheelchair.  We ate lunch there . . . also I should add . . . or perhaps say I should not add . . . had a giant cookie.  Remember those at MetroCenter Mall?  Right after we had lunch Marion rushed back home to watch the last of the pre-series games on TV . . . then met us at the dog show.  Which we only got to see the people setting up for.  Some people were parading their dogs, just practicing, etc.  It was all quite interesting.  With it being at the junior college was no problem walking there from the mall.  Marion talked to some lady who -- of course -- had cocker spaniels.  The woman invited Marion to a dog club . . . where I guess you just sit around and talk about your dog . . . or whatever.  Marion is actually thinking about going.  I just can't believe that.  Now thats going too far.  While we were at the college going around looking at the dogs . . . which happened to be in thick grass . . . was it ever hard to push Agnes in.  Well I was pushing Agnes and must have hit a big hole, and out Agnes went out of the chair.  Marion was in front and she turned around to see Agnes in mid-air.  I -- from behind the chair reached out to grab her -- hurt my knee on the chair.  Agnes was just laughing.  Said that was the first time she had ever been thrown out of her wheel chair.  Thank goodness it was nice thick grass.  Said she wasn't sore or didn't hurt.  We tried to get her back in the chair, and finally had to get a man to help us.  It was quite exciting.  If she is sore today -- wouldn't be too surprising.  The wheelchair van picked Agnes up there . . . at the dog show as planned at 4:00.  Had planned it all ahead of time, tho in the opposite order . . . . dog show first, and then the mall.  The wheelchair van must be reserved at least 24 hours in advance.  But then when the dog show changed its time, I switched the order.  Had the van drop us off at the mall first, and then pick us up at the dog show.  I don't think I told you but they charged 55 cents -- one way -- for Agnes and $1.40 for me --one way.  Which is very reasonable.  I talked to the driver, and he said that the van wasn't being used near as much as they had hoped that it would be.  That they are lucky to get it out once a day.  Marion -- to save the $1.40 each way,just met us over at the mall, etc.

Just remembered, didn't get the card out yesterday . . . that I wrote in a flash to get in the AM mail.

What has not been a flash is this grant business that we are studying.  It is so hard.  There are like 9 types (or least that is all we are covering) of grants.   Some like proven methods applied to local problems, new approaches, old approaches, track records, formula oriented.  We were to figure out examples of each . . . by looking in all these Register of Grants books.  Then begin on a one that we would write up.  One could really get a job now just in this grant stuff.  Maybe when I get out of school, I'll just write up a grant to create a job for myself!!!  I'd rather do that than write grants for say the city of Phoenix all day.  I think of the New Vienna tennis courts.  Whatever happened?  With the land being donated . . . couldn't that qualify for a soft-match type of deal???  Dad -- how much have you gotten into this grant stuff???

I think I must owe Ruth Shoemaker two letters now.  She wrote in her last letter how the Uibles were greeters and really dressed to a "T".  Just this last week I got a letter, more a card with a note in it to Donna Brown.  Who is taking her place at the factory?  Did her retirement get a write-up in the newspaper?  What kind of actual party did she have???

Can collecting is still vey good.  Though I have cut out going over to the park at night.  Just do the dumpsters here and across the street.  Average about $23 dollars a week -- so am building up a little bonus in the gas money can.  Like about $50.  Will be spending most of that this week on getting a tune-up for the truck.  It hasn't had one since before I left here for Ohio in June.  Next project will be for tires on the truck, tho they still don't look bad at all.  Almost 30,000 miles on original tires . . . for Arizona roads that is pretty good!!!  Marion really likes the collecting . . . and says that it has been good for her back to get the exercise of bending down, etc.

Better be going, hope that you are all doing fine, look forward to your weekly letter . . . I'm sure glad that I have good eyes . . . sometimes the type is rather light . . . maybe the sun does it getting it out here . . .

Mary Virginia feel free to write.  And tell me how old will you be this year?  Will you be 15 . . . before too many years you will be able to drive.  I'm so sorry that I didn't save the Buick for you . . . to cruise around town in.  Maybe Elmer Whited would be willing to sell back the Chrysler???  Do you all still have the Mercury???


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