Wednesday, November 06, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Sep.21

Friday Morning
6:45 A.M.
Good Morning!!!

Marion and Buffy both just got off to school.  Ole Buffy was out to the Groomer's yesterday afternoon so he really looks good --- yellow ribbons in his ears and everything.  So Marion takes him to school for show and tell.

Yesterday was the first time since getting back that I went to the pool.  There was no-one there at all and very hot -- was there at 1:00 in the afternoon.  Peak sun time.  Did take a book over to read, but just too hot . .. . did get in the pool for awhile, sure felt good.  Just riding back and forth to school on the bike I've gotten a little tan on just my arms and legs.  Always wear just shorts and sleeveless tops.

Last night we took our cans out to BIRP to sell.  Had the largest bunch yet -- 58 pounds -- $13.40.  But considering that it took 5 days to get them -- that's not as good as the week before when we took two loads out -- both at about $11 -- so $22 for a seven day period.  But, I'm not too worried as Friday night is always a good night.  Plus last weekend didn't do that much collecting.  Had a small paper due on Monday -- so that took priority.

As to this paper -- have not gotten it back yet.  But in class on Wednesday we were given this description of twelve people -- all made up -- and then five jobs -- volunteer jobs -- such as Public Relations, Finances, Food and Housing, etc. . . and with the description of the people that volunteered we were to match up jobs with people.  So I did the little deal.  Then the teacher said who wanted to tell who and why they had picked.  Then like in the same sentence she said "ROBERTA, with that paper you turned in you should be contributing more in class.  It was very good."  I was in shock.  The paper had to describe two situations of leadership, and different functions that went on.  The two examples I used were collecting cans and down at the nursing home.  After I wrote the rough draft of it Marion helped me really make it sound good.

I don't think I finished the story on the shoe hunt.  I went to the Birkenstock place -- and they didn't have any to fit me except for a pair that I didn't like.  So then I got on the phone and nothing turned up.  Then last weekend we were out to the mall -- the old one with Penny's etc. in it.  There was a shoe store I looked in last year for Miller's shoes.  And stopped there and found a pair of Dr. Scholl's (sp?) -- sandals, wedge style -- really very comfortable.  Miller's have got some new styles really good looking casual shoes -- but they didn't have any in my size.  They would be glad to order them -- would take between four months and six months -- and would be the basic price of $58 dollars.  WOW!!!

Agnes is not doing so good.  She was to the County Clinic on Wednesday.   Doctor there put her to bed for at least a week.  So now she is to lie flat with leg elevated up.  Getting shots in the stomach.  We went down last night to see her for a few minutes.  On Wednesday she had said that we should take the TV home -- as the new lady in her room keeps falling over it -- plus she (Agnes) can't watch it lying down on her back.  Then yesterday morning the cleaning lady put a pail of water on top of the TV -- water she was cleaning the floors with.  That was it -- Agnes told us to take the TV home.

Fred is still not doing so good.  He can just barely get around.  Hasn't felt like going down to the nursing home yet after his fall -- tho he did not break anything but still arm and wrist is little swollen and with black and blue.  He has a cleaning lady -- compliments of some gov't program -- for two hours a week.  She could go after his groceries and all -- but he says he needs her at home doing cleaning.  So between Marion and I we do most of his shopping.  He writes these long lists -- telling us exactly what he want, size, everything -- just that both of us have trouble reading his writing.

I better get going.  Thanks for the articles . . . and the letters . .. .


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