Monday, November 25, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Oct.7

Sunday Evening, Oct. 7th, 1979

Dear Family:

Carol and John came down yesterday afternoon and the five us went to Lisa Gooding's wedding at the Grace Methodist Church (a huge church where her parents were married and also that Dr. Werner had been the pastor before becoming the Ohio Bishop) at 6:30 PM.  Afterwards there was a reception at a restaurant about five miles away, which was complete with a buffet, band, etc. etc.  Jim Gooding has been going with this girl for some four years and he told us that he was going to elope.  He still has another year in art school in Cincinnati.  Bob Gooding really seems to be liking his job in private industry there in Dayton.

Going backwards last Thursday evening was the Band Boosters meeting and the current project is a chili supper this week before the Homecoming Game, as everyone knows there is always a need to make money, without even considering the possibility that the band may get to go to Washington this next Spring.  MV is getting along fine in riding with the Davidson band members, who live diagonally across from us, which is a great arrangement for us.

We got another couple here in NV - the Neal Pratts - to go with us to the square dancing class on Tuesday evening - there about six squares plus a few of those who have been in the course in a prior year - like Orville Harners.  The regulars have their night on Thursday night. It must be getting better for we both commented how much quicker the evening goes.

Last Monday night was the NV Mother's Club guest night - your Mother and Dad went.  It was Chinese evening as the Robert Bernards had just returned from China . . . interesting but too many pictures.  He told us of having name cards printed with an imprint of a turkey on them and how people would line up to get one.  There was a consistent theme as the dinner was catered by the Coopers (she is an Oriental) and it was a Chinese dinner from A to Z, complete with chop sticks.  We think the American farmer type went home hungry.

Glad to hear that Serena is getting settled in her new apartment and we are getting some blankets off to her tomorrow.  The way the weather is we hooked up our electric blanket yesterday.  Do hope to get to Chicago within the next month and get Serena some more supplies.  Do let us know, Serena.  As Roberta said, "That Chicago is too cold for us, except when like Arizona it is too hot.

We have been looking at home movies this afternoon . . . how things have changed in so few years - John and the paper route, Serena at Girl Scout Camp in Ga., Roberta at Barnesville and Catherine leaving here on that VW trip to California.  We were going to look at our wedding pictures but couldn't recall where we put the film . . . any of you have any recollection. (We must be getting old).  The Hortons bought a new Buick and are going to drive north with Joe the last of October and a brief stop here in NV.  We have ordered some boxes for Joe to display his cards of paintings that he sells in S. Arabia.

We finally got some new carbon paper and it makes a big difference, don't you think?  The other was wearing out my eyes.  Dad has written the first page but thought I might add some comments about things he had already mentioned.

We were glad to have John and Carol and forgot that Monday is a bank holiday so they will be staying until Monday evening.  Right now they are out at Pat and Mimi Bain's home -- she is a niece of Eleanor Johnson who married the Englishman and they have two sons.

The wedding was really beautiful really a large church and we wonder if Lisa has been going there - doubt if it was because her parents had been married there is the reason.  The crowd seemed small because of the largeness of the church and don't think anyone but the groom's mother came from New York so Jim seated us on the groom's side among some others to help even up the group.  Lisa looked lovely and the attendants wore a real deep red bordering on deep brown.  Marty isn't very tall - Lisa's shoes were more like ballet slippers with no heel whatsoever.  Serena, he worked with COPE in downtown Dayton but lives in Centerville where they will be living too.  Didn't your friend from Park work with COPE in Centerville.  I thought perhaps they might know each other.  He graduated in criminal justice from U.Dayton.  Lisa is continuing her work in child abuse.  I don't know what COPE stands for but thought you probably do.

We sat with Jim's girlfriend's family - the Hodsons who turned out to be first cousins of Bob and Dorothy Hodson of Hillsboro.  Mrs. Hodson had had Glenn McElwee for a teacher and had wondered what had happened to him after he came to New Vienna.  Mr. Hodson is from Mowrystown.  Their other daughter was Lisa's maid of honor and that's how Jim and Tami had gotten acquainted as their older sisters used to take them to movies, etc. and make them sit together and their relationship had grown from there.

We are still TALKING about going to Arizona at Christmas and hope that Serena might be able to come too.  From there we hope to drive to Oregon (if we drive out west) and depending on whether Roberta wants a car out there, may go back by way of Mesa.  This all hinges on so many things with unlimited possibilities.  We would like Roberta to go to Oregon too if she can afford the time.  If the Morgans get to San Diego at Christmas time we could arrange something that way - hoping this all meets with their approval too of course.  We do hope that his back is not bothering him so much for relatives when you don't feel good can be more than a nuisance and burden at that time.  Do let us know all your thoughts.

Serena's address is 6538 Lakewood, Apt. 11, Chicago 60626 and she is hoping to get a phone in the latter part of this week.  So we will let you know her number after we get word from her.  We had been most anxious to hear from her but hated to telephone Debbie Haines since she has moved from her place the earlier part of last week.  So glad when she called Friday evening.

Sorry that this letter is so late in getting written.  It isn't because we haven't been thinking about you all for seems like you all have been having your problems but hopefully things are better with all of you by now.  Your losing streak seem to compound more each day Roberta, and hope that your papers have been located -- too bad that they made you do all the chasing when t was their fault at ASU.

With much love to each one of you --

[Love, etc.]

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