Wednesday, November 27, 2019

1989 Catherine's Letter -Oct.3

October 3, 1989
Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  How are things in Ohio?  How convenient of Roberta to fly into Columbus on John's birthday so you can all go out to dinner in celebration.

It hasn't cooled off much yet although yesterday the high was only 99º.  I'm sure by the end of the month we'll see cooler weather and the beginnings of the snow birds.

Business is holding steady at the library although still down from last year when we did not yet charge for non-residents.  The Library Board voted to continue charging non-residents through at least 1990.  Cholla Branch at Metro is to open their remodeled (rebuilt?) building in March.  I'll send you the article about Peoria's library.

Gerry and I both had eye appts. last week.  Both of us are able to keep the glasses we have now but Gerry did get a new pair of single lens as the ones he has now are bifocals which he has had trouble with when he plays golf.  Hopefully the new ones will be better.  Wendy has an eye appt. on Nov. 6.

Wendy is semi-worried about all the teasing she expects to get from the Uible-clan at Christmas time.

Well, I need to leave this with Roberta now.  We're all looking forward to seeing you at Christmas -- despite the teasing!

Catherine, Gerry, & Wendy

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