Monday, November 11, 2019

1979 Family Letter -Sep.25

Thursday -
September 25, 1979
Dearest Family -

This won't be a very long note but wanted you to know that we got your letters, Catherine and Roberta, yesterday.  The long delay in getting yours Catherine was due to the fact that it had been mis-sent to Youngstown - no fault of yours but someone who had misread the zip or something as perhaps it had gone to Vienna, Ohio.  Anyway we were glad to hear from you both and hope that the Morgans colds are better and Wendy has recovered now from her sewed chin and sprained wrist.  We are anxious to hear about your weekend. 

Roberta, you are doing well collecting to make enough to pay for gas for the three vehicles.  That was good news too about your report and hope that you continue to add much to the class discussion, etc.  Would be interesting to see the paper you turned in.  Sounds like it would be good personnel work matching volunteers with jobs.

I meant to tell Carol's grandmother that it was too bad neither paper seemed to get the article right about her paternal grandmother.  Ravenna paper didn't include her name at all and Wilmington left off the "s" so it was Mr. Jack Watt instead of Mrs.  Then they (Wilmington) didn't describe the bride's gown at all but better than not putting the article in at all.

Just before we left for the OPEN HOUSE at the school last night we got word that Mrs. Fenwick had passed away.  She had had a heart attack yesterday afternoon and had been taken by the emergency squad to the hospital.  Earlier in the day she had been to the doctor and he (or whoever) had told her she had a 5-day virus.  It was quite a shock to everyone as she went about as fast as Mildred Henderson had.

Seemed like there were more visitors than usual in the library last night - it is always good to see parents interested in coming.  Of course they didn't all stay for the meeting afterwards but still a lot of new families.  One couple are starting off right - Kevin and Connie Croghan were there and sat right up front.  Not many honeymooners attend a PTA (or rather Home and School Meeting) just 48 hours after their wedding.

Dr. Robert and Lana Sue Carey had their third son early this morning - an eight pound six ounce baby and guess they had no boy's name picked out as even the other boys had hopes of a girl.  Ruth said that they were going to have to do some switching with the Harry Careys since they have 3 girls.  The Robert Careys were at the open house last night.

Dad was in Wilmington this afternoon and bought some shrimp and rice at Coopers Drive In (as to the quantity of each, one is reminded of how much ham they put with the beans on a commercial scale).  Anyway, with Tom Cooper  & bride from the Orient it is billed as authentic Chinese food.

Went into Strebers on the way home tonight and saw some bananas there on the counter and asked them they price and said they were giving them away - so you can imagine the rest of the story . . . really nothing wrong with them.

We are looking forward to having Serena home this weekend but not sure just when she is coming.  Mary Virginia has to be in Xenia for the band is playing in the parade at 4PM and then all the bands play at the high school there in a program at 8PM.  With the Bikeathon here that morning she is going to have an extra full day.  Ours will be full enough trying to keep up with her if we go as planned earlier.  Hope that this works in with your plans, Serena.

The next weekend John and Carol are coming down - seems like such a long time since we have seen them and heard about their trip.  Hope they are both over their colds too.  Labor Day seems like years ago now.

It is now Wednesday morning and we survived the square dancing last night.  They take time to explain the steps slowly - if I just can remember all this by next Tuesday evening.  The classes run through next March 5th with the exception of Christmas and New Years Day.  It's $3 a couple each night and you are to pay whether you attend every session or not so imagine that helps in all phases.  Orville & Elaine & husband were there.

This turned out to be longer than I thought but may make up for the lateness of other letters.  Always so glad to hear from you all.

With much love from all of us,

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