Thursday, November 21, 2019

1969 Wilma Croghan letter to MV

[Mary will have to explain to us why Wilma called her George.]


My dear friend George,

Thank you for your letter and picture this morning and you even spelled my name right.  Thank you.

I am sending you a copy of the school schedule for next year.  This paper tells you when school starts and all the holidays we have that we don't come to school.  Put it up in your bedroom and you will always know what day to get ready for school and what day you can go on a picnic because there isn't any school.

Hope you had a fun day this morning at kindergarten.

Have a nice week-end and I will see you in church Sunday morning.  Don't be late!!!!!

Kevin and his mother (me) went fishing last evening at Uncle Harold's [Thornburg] pond.  We didn't even get a bite - but it was a nice evening to be out.  The birds were singing and we saw so many frogs jump into the water.  Lewis and David saw us there so they came over.  David caught me a little frog and put it on my fish hook and said I would catch a fish with that but I guess the fish just weren't hungry.  Maybe we will have better luck the next time.

See you

Wilma Jean Thornburg Croghan
(your friend)

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