Thursday, October 03, 2019

1989 MV's Letter -Aug.9

Dear Mom, Dad and Grandma --

Welcome Home!  Sorry to have missed your phone call yesterday -- thanks, too for the postcard.  I'm sure you're enjoying the scenery.

I'm enclosing the bulletins from where I sang yesterday morning -- the "plain" one is the early (communion) service and the fancy one is the second service.   There weren't too many people there -- maybe 400 total.  But I guess the ones that do come have the $$.  One of the richest churches in town.

Had a terrible storm Sat. am.  Power was out for 7 hours in Wilmore --Then another one Sat. pm in Lexington just as we were trying to count out to go home.  They'll have to reprogram our registers today, even though we are getting new ones installed Thursday.

This Thursday P.M. I'm going to Louisa (KY) with Leah (my pianist / W.W. friend) to pickup her kids at her mothers.  We'll spend the night & come back Friday a.m.  Then late Friay night we'll leave for the beach.  I'll try to call before I go.

Mary Va.

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