Tuesday, October 08, 2019

1969 Catherine Letter & Postcard -Aug.14,17

Hi!  I was glad to get your post card from Wheeling although I found it a little confusing.  The contact came yesterday.  It is so great to be able to see again.  I feel like shouting to the world, "I can see, I can see!"  However, I doubt if many would understand.   It's like seeing everything for the first time again.  I have made a hotel reservation with the group for Sept. 16.  We're staying at the Hotel McAlpin (Sheraton Atlant).  Even if you all take me you couldn't put me up for the night and get me to the pier (it's pier 92 at W 52nd, we sail on the "Europa") for $7.00.  I haven't really made any plans for getting there except Greg and I talked about going say just a day early so we'd have a little time in NY.  I'd love to have you take me but if that is too early I can understand.  Write soon!
Love, Catherine

August 17, 1969
Sunday 10:30 PM
Dear Mother, Dad, Roberta (?), Serena, John, and Mary,

Hi!  I was glad to get the letter from you all on Friday.  It's been awhile since you made carbon copies, hasn't it?  My typewriter isn't broken.  I'm babysitting.

A friend of Cal's from Denver who I went out with while I was visiting Sue last summer is here visiting Cal now.  I'm going with him to the music concert tomorrow night (See other side **).  I also went to the * this afternoon.  I have been doing so much reading lately that I really enjoyed gong to the concert and just listening.  Several of my friends (Cal being one) are in the Bachward Society.  They are all so musical and my musical talents being so limited.  I often find myself overwhelmed.  Mike (Cal's friend from Denver) is also music oriented although he plans to go to law school after he graduates from Colorado College (I'm not sure if that's the right name but it is some fairly small school in Colorado that has a Saga) next May.

Lately, it has been impressed upon us (or on me anyway) that after I get back from Germany there is hardly any time until I take the comps.  Than's an even more depressing thought than finals which are coming up shortly.  As a history major I can choose 3 out of 4 area in which to specialize (?) -- US History, Europe before 1500, Europe since 1500, or something non-West (e.g. Africa, India, China, . . . gee maybe I could go into Australian history.)  The comps will cover the 3 area we choose.

Have you heard anymore about Priscilla Walker?  I sent her a birthday card on Wednesday or Thursday and then when you said she was in the hospital I sent a post card.  I think she wrote me that her brother, Burch, in Wilmington, had died which leaves her being the one and only if I'm not mistaken.

I haven't seen Greg since I got your letter to tell him we can him to Dayton.  You said you could take his "things" and I'm assuming that includes him.

A month from today we leave New York.  I'm saving all my pennies, dimes and nickels.  I guess the best thing to do is get them all changed into American Express traveler's checks.  I guess I'll buy a Euro-rail pass before I go, too.  At our orientation meeting this week they're going to talk about individual travel.

Keep me posted!

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