Friday, October 04, 2019

1969 Catherine's Letter -Aug.10

10 PM
Dear Mother, Dad, (Roberta), Serena, John, and Mary,

Hi!  I was glad to get your letter yesterday and I do hope the contact comes tomorrow.  I decided it isn't so much that I can't get used to seeing myself in the mirror with glasses on but just can't see as well.

Debby Foote's parents and her younger sister were here this weekend.  Debby is the other girl who went on the bicycle trip.  Her parents were very interested in how you felt about my having gone on the bike trip.  Did you approve, etc.  And then I remembered how Bruce's mother couldn't understand your having let me go at all.  It really had never occurred to me that there would be any reason why I shouldn't have gone.  Debby's parents were quite reassured though that I had been along.

I didn't even know Roberta was going to Denver or thinking about it.  No doubt she'll have a really good time.  My friend, Sue Steuesloff, who had a summer job at a camp in Connecticut quit her job after a couple weeks so she's back home.  I hope Roberta does get in touch with them.

I told Greg we could give him a ride to Dayton when you take me home if we are going through that way.  Please let me know if you had other plans so I can inform him.  I don't know how much stuff he'll have but I do know he plans to leave his bike here.  I've got quite a bit of stuff as I thought I would clear everything out -- the bicycle included so you all can get some use out of it at home while I'm gone unless you think it would be better to do otherwise.

I don't think I need a dentist appointment.  I'm going to the gynecologist on the 20th.  The one I went to before is on vacation but I have an appointment with his associate or partner or whatever.

Tell Grandma thanks for the post card.  Also tell all the Hortons hello for me.

The odometer is now 663.  I don't think I'm going to make 1000 before the end of the quarter.  It's a good think I don;t need the peanuts anymore as I had to throw them out -- the ants were getting in them.

I think the week ahead is going to be a busy one perhaps I better be heading toward bed.  Good night, and I hope to hear from you.


P.S. What's new with John, Serena and Mary?  How long until school starts?

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