Friday, October 11, 2019

1989 Catherine & Wendy's Letters -Aug.21

Monday, Aug. 21, 1989
Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  How are things in Ohio?  It's beginning to cool off here, with the highs around 104º.  The days are getting noticeably shorter also. 

The library is between seasons with the summer programs over.  The fall storytimes, etc. begin on Sept. 5.  I'm taking a 9-hour computer class at City Hall this week -- 3 mornings 8:30-11:30.  It is primarily to use an electronic mail system that operates within the City agencies.  It has word processing capabilities also but I don't think they are as sophisticated as what the library already has on the Macintosh.

Gerry and I have been playing lots of nice golf courses on our Tour Passes.  Most of them expire the end of September although a few are good in October.  This past weekend we played the Wigwam in Litchfield Park and Tatum Ranch which is on Cave Creek about 15 miles north -- still within the city limits of Phoenix.  This coming weekend I work both Saturday and Sunday.

How is the fresh fruit supply in your orchard?  We have gotten some real good peaches this year, they seem much better than last year.

"Hello" to Grandma!  We love you.

Love, Catherine & Gerry & Wendy -- she has written her own letter 

Monday, Aug. 21, [1989]
Dear Grandpa & Grandma,

How are you?  I'm fine.  I had four babysitting jobs last week.  School starts next week.  Me and Mom are going shopping tomorrow and Friday.  Say hello to everyone at church for me please!!!!!
Say hi to great grandma for me please!!!  It's really hot here, I enjoy the air conditioning.  We enjoy are new table.  As you know your favorite granddaughter's birthday is coming up soon . . . .  I am saving up my money to buy something but I still need a lot more money in case you want to make a donation.  How are things there?  Well I have to go now.


P.S. see you at Christmas

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