Wednesday, October 09, 2019

1979 Jean's Letter to Serena -Aug.19

August 19, 1979

Dear Serena:

We left Dallas Wednesday afternoon and met M.V. that evening as she came in from Nashville and then Roberta got into Wilmington early that next afternoon.  R seemed quite impressed with everything in Ft. Dodge.

At the ABA convention we were talking to a Judge from Clayton, MO and he seemed well acquainted with the judiciary around the state, but our mind was a blank as to the Judge that you worked for earlier in western Mo.  In fact we met a lot of interesting people at the ABA from Vermont to Oregon, plus over seas visitors as well,  We thought it was hot in Dallas, but the natives said they were actually having a cool wave while we were there.

Hope everything is "GO" for this week, Serena.  We are looking forward to seeing you at the University Inn in Kent this Friday afternoon, August 24th.  The motel is Ohio route 43, 2 1/2 miles north of I-76.  Since MV is in school we will not be leaving here until noon, which will put us in Kent around 5 P.M.  The rehearsal dinner is at 7.  We are taking our swim suits and hope the weather is cooperative.

Catherine and Wendy are coming into Columbus this Wednesday A.M. and then the Hortons arrive in Cincy on Thursday evening so it will be a busy week.  We plan to come back to NV on Saturday so it will be a super full day.

It was so good to get a full report on you and Ft. Dodge from Roberta -- she was very impressed with you and your work as well as the people and Ft. Dodge itself.  It must have been quite a surprise to see her there as we were so surprised when you both called that night.  Do hope that everything is go for you and your car -- glad to hear that you are planning on being with Debbie in Chicago but do want you to get something in your field even if you have to look around for awhile.  If you just take any job it will be hard to look around at what your really want.  Any chance of getting another internship in the Chicago area to give you more experience in the judicial administration process?  We talked to several judges and they spoke very highly of the outlook and think it is a good field with more and more openings.

Wish that you all were going to be together longer but so thankful that you are all coming to the wedding.  We do want to have time to take some pictures Saturday morning if not Friday of just our family as well as the wedding.

Be sure to bring your bathing suit as there is a pool at the motel whether we have much time for swimming.  John has moved into his house (bottom of a duplex) and making alot of friends in Newark, as Roberta may have already mentioned.  He has been doing filing and now in the returned check dept. so is getting all kinds of experience.  They have their apartment/house pretty much furnished now with odds and ends from us and Grandma plus some new furniture they have bought.  Did Roberta tell you about driving the big shop truck up there to help them get moved?

We went to Dayton Mall last night and wish you had been with us as we ate at one of your favorite restaurants -- the Red Lobster.  While waiting (as we had about 20 minutes) we called the Goodings and they are planning to come to the wedding so you will get to see them.  Bob has changed jobs and said that he had gained 30 pounds!!  Lisa and her fiance are to be married Oct. 6 and they as well as Jim and his girlfriend are to be there next weekend.  Red Lobster has rice pilaf, garlic bread as possibilities instead of potatoes and hushpuppies.  Also tried french fried zucchini which was very good.  Mary Virginia and Roberta got platters which were really more than they could eat after also having clam chowder so they gave us a "people bag." 

We bought four boxes of blueberries (6 pounds) which I have been in the process of freezing to enjoy later.  They had been about 1.40 and were reduced to 69¢ a box at Kroger last night.

Don't let me forget to thaw out some lamb which I have been saving for you that we had this spring.  I've started to have it a couple of times but then remember how well you like it.

Had surprising news when we learned that Mildred Henderson passed away very suddenly with a heart attack.  Calling hours are this afternoon and burial tomorrow.  She hadn't been feeling too well this summer but don't think she or anyone else guessed about the seriousness of her hear.  She was just 70.

Wednesday is Aunt Virginia's birthday and I should get a card off to her -- may call her to see if she and Maureen are still planning to come to the wedding.  I have talked to her earlier about it but nothing definite was said.

Looking forward to seeing you Friday -- we will bring wrapping paper but you don't want the box that came here with pots and pans in it??  Roberta say that you already have John's present there with you.

With much love from all of us,
All the Family

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