Monday, January 07, 2019

1989 Catherine's Letter -Jan.7

Thursday, January 5, 1989

Dear Mother & Dad,

Hi!  And now for the first installment of the news of 1989!  I have tomorrow off since I work both Saturday and Sunday this weekend so thought I would get this off to you today.  What's new in New Vienna?  Have you been on any trips yet this year???

Wendy and I went roller skating last night as her Pioneer Girls (as well as the Voyager Boys) had a skating party at Great Skate which is located cattey-corner to the Shoe City at 43rd & Peoria Avenues.  Wendy is still not real confident on the skates but didn't fall down at all or pull my arm out of the socket.

As I said last week Santa Claus was good to all of us!  Wendy really wanted a camera and she got one she seems to be happy with.  She has taken some pictures but hasn't finished the roll yet so it's too soon to promise you prints.  She also got games, clothes, jewelry and stuff for her hair among other things.  She likes the poster, the U.S. map puzzle (which we put together last weekend) and the globe ball from the map store we went to.  the other puzzle you sent we haven't had a chance to get started yet.  I've gotten lots of compliments on the orchid necklace you sent me.  Gerry and I got a charity golf package deal where the money paid goes toward cancer patients at Samaritan Hospital and in return we got to play at a bunch of different golf courses free (certain restrictions apply however).  It sounded like a good way to try some different courses (especially the expensive ones) and not have to put out any more money.  We figured playing twice would about cover the initial cost.  Gerry and I also both got new clothes for Christmas.  I got Wendy an amaryllis from a nursery here and it has already started to bloom.  How is your's doing?

Speaking of cancer patients . . . I had a mammogram a few weeks ago and then had a follow up appointment with a surgeon because the mammogram showed some irregularity.  The surgeon think there's a real good chance it's just the way my arteries are lined up that gives the appearance of a lump but I did have to have a more specialized type of x-ray to confirm his feelings.  There were also some "white dots" that are probably micro-calcifications but could possibly be cancerous so these will show up better on this other x-ray.  I have another appointment on the 16th to hear the results of the latest test.  He wanted to know if there was any history of breast cancer on my mother's side since there is no conclusive evidence that it is inherited from the father's genes.

Wendy was glad to get back to school as far as the social aspect of it goes but she'e not wild about the work part.  She's supposed to write a story (her teacher has been big on writing as this is the 5th or 6th story assignment) about the best or worst things that ever happened to her.  She's having a hard time deciding what to write about but she's thinking of doing it on when she moved form Oregon to Washington and had to leave her best friend (who now lives in Michigan).

Love, Catherine, Gerry & Wendy

PS We enjoyed your letter about life in the 5th grade and the picture.  Wendy took it straight to school.

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