Saturday, January 26, 2019

1979 Roberta's Letter -Jan.24

Good Morning!!!!

Got to work early so decided to get a letter out to you good people . . . Marion dropped me off on her way to work . . . which will work out nicely tonight when they come over and meet me for the classes.  The high school where both the Spanish and voice lessons are being taught is right down Rural Road about a mile from here.  Mary Va. seems to be excited about the voice lessons, if it weren't for Dorothy, Chris, Doreen, and Marion taking Spanish with me I'd be getting cold feet about the Spanish.

Marion got in last night, right on time.  We (of course) took Buffy with us.  I guess it had been about two weeks since I've been to the airport, don't know when the next time I'll be there.  Thursday night was sure a mess . . . terrible weather -- storm warnings out, but to top it all off, Marion had come to the store, had lunch with me, then took the car and left me the truck, as she had originally taken the truck to school that day.  So at 5:30 when I'm ready to leave the store -- I had no keys to the truck.  I called Mary Va. the two sets were both at home.  Also the set of keys to the car that was at the airport.  Sally was going to drive us to the airport that night to get the car . . . but it all worked out fine.  She picked up Mary at home then the two came over here, we had supper at Wendy's and then went to the airport, then back home with the car.  Took a five minute break and then back to the store to get the truck.  I got home from work (for good) that night at 8:45!!!!

We had a pretty quiet weekend, went to the Christian Book Store in Tempe on Saturday morning.  I had a $20 bill, and Mary Va. was able to spend $19.96 . . . then as we were walking out she found something she wanted for 4¢ !!!!  She sure has the ability for spending money !!!!

Yesterday afternoon Christ Stubbs, Mary Va. and I went bowling.  At the Brunswick lanes it is now $1.25 per game -- that's with the electronic score card deal . . . which of course you have no choice but to use.

5:30 – time to go – 
supper – class –


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