Friday, November 16, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Nov.14

November 14, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  It was nice talking to Mom & John on the phone this morning.  I forgot to ask if Oscar is any better.  Gerry's father told us how much he appreciated getting a card from you.

I checked with our bank (U.S. bank of Oregon) – and they said you are welcome to read the Wall Street Journal there.  The non-current copies you could even bring home.  Is there anything else you would like me to check into before you arrive in Madras?  There is one other bank here – 1st Natl. Bank of Oregon and the Citizens Bank of Madras is under construction and plans to open in the spring.  There is also one S&L – State Savings and Loan.

Although it has been very cold here the sun still shines brightly and warms the kitchen up in the morning.  I leave Wendy's blanket sleeper on her until it gets warmed up.  She is emptying the cupboard in the bathroom as I write this.  Before that she was playing in the closet under the stairs.  She never stops.  She climbs up on all the furniture now but turns right around and climbs down again. She especially likes the rocking chair.  We bought one of those spring type suction gates from Sue as she didn't have any further use of it.  It is very easy to move so I keep it at the bottom of the stairs when we are down and move it to the top if I go up for any length of time.

I noticed right after I hung up this morning that Wendy has two new teeth on the bottom – giving her 4 lower and 3 on top.  I've found it is easier to brush her teeth while she is still in her high chair as she can't squirm away from me as much.

You probably heard the results of the Oregon election.  The tax issue failed and the denturists got the right to sell false teeth.  There weren't too many issues in Madras as the mayor ran unopposed.  There was some contest for the three city councilmen.  They are recounting the votes.  About seven people ran.  Oregon also elected a Republican governor.  There is a department store here called Hatfield's which has some connection with Senator Hatfield.  They were passing out propaganda with every purchase before the election.  I heard that Hatfield was so confident of being re-elected he didn't even acknowledge his opponent.

The dishwasher just finished so I'm going to take Wendy upstairs for her bath.  Then the laundry needs done so I'll continue this later.  Actually, I should continue writing while she is happily self-occupied and do those other things after she gets fussy.  She is back under the stairs now.

Have you seen advertisements for the home-computer that Radio Shack has for $599?  We thought we'd wait awhile and see if the price comes down.  But that price makes it comparable to a color television.

We think we'll either get a very small turkey for thanksgiving or we'll have cornish game hens.  We'll see what the prices are and what sizes are available.  Most of the people we've met here are either having alot of relatives or they are going out of town.  Maybe we'll go up to Kah-nee-ta and go swimming.

Have you been watching Centennial on TV?  We've seen all but one episode.  I've been on a Michener kick in my reading – Hawaii, Caravans, Saynora, and now I'm on Tales of the South Pacific.  Do you know if the Rodgers & Hammerstein production was based on a Michener story?  There is a character named Bloody Mary on Bali-Hai.  Next I plan to read The Source.  I requested 3 books from the state library two weeks ago through the library here but I haven't heard anything yet.  At least the librarian and I are on good terms now.

Wendy is now scattering the dirty clothes all over the kitchen.  She tries to put on her slacks by sticking her feet into the bottom part.  At least she has the right general idea.  I've been showing her how to hold her Pooh Bear and pat it on the back.  Now she'll pick up some of her other toys like a book or a truck and she'll hold it up to her chest and pat it like a doll.  She really seems to like her books – especially the kitten one you gave her for her birthday.  There are lots of neighborhood cats and dogs that she can see from the window so I think that is why she likes the kitten book so much.

Ardy had a little girl in October.  So they have two daughters.  The oldest will be 2 in December.  I mentioned on the phone that Wendy got some hand-me-downs including the Penney's jacket. They were from the family of the parts manager who left here.  She also got some shirts and slacks, several dresses (still too large) and a pair of size 5 boots which are just the right size for this winter.

Well, I better get on with my chores or it will be lunch time and I won't have anything done.

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

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