Saturday, October 13, 2018

1978 Catherine's Letter -Oct.11

[newly settled in Madras, Oregon]
Wednesday morning
October 11, 1978
Dear Mom, Dad, and Mary Virginia,

Hi!  It certainly was nice of you to call on Monday night and then we got your letter yesterday.  How did you get our letter on Monday?  Didn't the NV post office close for Columbus Day?

I am all settled now at my new "desk."  The bedroom has a built-in vanity in one corner so I put all my writing supplies in the drawers and set the typewriter up.  It keeps Wendy from climbing all over the card table.  Plus the living room is smaller here and there really wasn't any place for it.  We'll have more room there after we give up the playpen though.  Both bedrooms here have overhead lights which is nice and there is also a light over this vanity area.  Did I tell you we also have a smoke alarm at the top of the stairs.

Thanks for sending the K news.  I'll probably miss getting that issue due to our moving.  That restaurant sounds interesting but Saturday night probably wasn't the best night crowd wise.   There are two Mexican restaurants here – we tried one, a bit on the expensive side but the food was edible.  The other one is a combination pizza/Mexican which sounds interesting.  There is also a Chinese restaurant which we haven't tried yet.

Last night we had our newlywed neighbors, Georgette and Ron, over for dinner.  We had our specialty, lasagna with bread and salad, and they seemed to like it.  Ron is a golfer also so he & Gerry may play this weekend.

I got Wendy three long sleeve shirts from Sears, size 2-3 little girls size and they fit her fine except the sleeves were about 3 inches too long so I put a ring of elastic at the end and now she has puffy sleeved shirts.  I appreciate your hemming all those pants as she has been wearing them.  She wears her shoes for a few hours every day (when it is coldest or when we go out).  I bought her some more socks, too, a pair of red ones like the white ones you got, and also a pair of red knee socks.  It hasn't been cold enough yet to worry about a coat for her although one morning we went out I put a sweater and a jacket on her.

Has Roberta gotten a job in Mesa yet?  I suppose I should write to her.

Have you ever tried banana chips?  We bought some at Safeway the last time we went shopping.  They were $1.49/pound which is a bargain compared to the price of regular bananas at 39¢/pound and the chips are 100% edible.  Wendy munches on them and I think they are good with cereal or just as a snack.  Speaking of food, meat is more expensive here as is milk ($1.89/gallon) but other things seem about the same as in Gilroy.  We do have a bigger freezer.  It is a frost-free Wards with two shelves plus space on the door.  And it is separate from the refrigerator, I mean it has a separate door.  I'll get spoiled by the dishwasher though.

Wendy is trying to help me type.  It is almost time for her morning nap so I will close and put her to bed.  She has been sitting beside me here reading the Reader's Digest while I have been typing.  Which reminds me, Mother, you mentioned the TV guide as a gift idea, and the more I think about it the better it sounds.

I forgot tell you on the phone the other night our BIG news.  Wendy took three steps on Saturday.  Fortunately Gerry and I were both watching as she hasn't tried it since.  We have been standing her up since then to walk but she promptly sits back down and crawls.  They weren't big steps but she was already on her feet.

They have a Welcome Wagon here but the lady hasn't come around yet.  I talked to her on the phone last week.  I did go to the Chamber of Commerce and picked up what they had.  Perhaps we'll have more information on Madras by the time I write again.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Catherine, Gerry
& Wendy

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