Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 18, 1989-99

HH's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Saturday 1989 - Worked on our income tax, turned Mother's water on, took the Johnsons to Hillsboro to UMC to hear Emerson Colaw, retired bishop who started at Rainsboro.

Sunday 1990 - [Florida] We all ate at Perkins Steak House in WPB.

Monday 1991 - John called us. He and Julie have called things off. Heard from Tok-A-Toy (been in business since 1955), they are unable to pay their bills (they owe us $30,000) and have sold out to Laramer. Mother has a new roommate.

Tuesday 1992 - Spoke to the Clinton County Retired Teachers Association along with 3 other couples -- Bob Warner, Jim Rany [?], John Hughes and Virginia Smith on Elderhostel. Went to Marshall Flippo special square dance in Hillsboro. Mother doesn't want to eat or drink. Difficult to get her to say more than one word answer to a question.

Friday 1994 - A terrific wind.

Saturday 1995 - Breakfast at church, Mark from Adams County spoke at 10am. We were at Rod's for a trash pick up with Leadership Clinton, but no one showed up. A stop at Roberts Home place, lots of activity. Bought some bulk garden seed at Rhoades Garden Center and planted peas, spinach, beets, lettuce and onions. At 6:30 we were in Dayton (Huber Heights) at Aldersgate Church for Marriage Encounter follow-up. A great turnout. The dialog question was: What am I doing to make our marriage more fun?

Sunday 1996 - Saw Elsie in Hillsboro, she is 88. Got folder from Greenbrier, 4 nights at $1075 per person, extra night $208. Roberta called from San Antonio where she was getting a real buy on SAS shoes.

Tuesday 1997 - Elsie in New Vienna, looked at two places for her to stay. John, Julie and Kate to fly to Phoenix for 5 days. Kate has been exposed to chicken pox. Wilmington Library open again, but will be June when they get the new furniture.

Thursday 1999 - [Portugal Spain trip through April 8]

1 comment:

Catherine Uible Morgan said...

HH adds: Emerson Colaw (1989) was an excellent speaker and was pastor at the Sankers UMC in Hyde Park.
Elsie Satterfield (1996-97) - Elsie was a widow and had no close family and I was her POA. She had a nephew who was not bashful about his needs for financial help. She was a soft touch for realtors and relatives. Her maiden name was Garrison and she married Archie Satterfield, who had a seven figure estate.

Items from Uible photo album