Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Elizabeth and Oscar March 11-12 (20-27 of 56)

"I had really made the grade."
"Hard to believe our feet were really touching the side walks of New York."
"The day had been full of thrilling sights."

Monday, March 11, 1957 Cont'd – Uibles and Johnsons are in NYC and have checked in to the Hotel Piccadilly.  From the Scrapbook of Elizabeth Johnson

We cleaned up and went to a Horn and Hardart Cafeteria for supper, then we took a subway ride to a TV studio where we saw Howard Barlow and the Firestone Hour [a TV program 1949-1963, radio from 1928-1956].

Transcription Included at end of post 

The studio was a little disappointing at first but as the show went on you could well realize why every thing looked as it did and also the amount of work and time it took to get ready for a TV program.  For one brief minute my face appeared on the TV Screen.  So I had really made the grade.  Several people at home also saw me.

We walked back to our hotel, past the end of Central Park and on we walked enjoying the bright lights of the big city.  We did a lot of walking ... the thrill of being there was greater when we walked, I guess it was just hard to believe our feet were really touching the side walks of New York.

The day had been full of thrilling sights.

Tuesday, March 12, 1957
Harold decided to spend the day with us so we started early with breakfast at Horn and Hardart, then to the subway for a ride to the Fulton Fish Market.  It was a wet smelly lace, but very interesting.  I never dreamed there could be so many kinds and sizes and colors of fish.  The trucks and cars and carts were thick.  At one place Jean and Harold got across the street but the traffic was so thick Oscar and I didn't make it until a friendly mounted policeman stopped the traffic long enough for us to cross.

From here we walked to Chinatown.  The only way I can describe it is dirty and smelly and I was just plain scared of the whole place.

Also visited the United Nations, had lunch at Thompson's Cafeteria, went to Grand Central Station, Chrysler Building and of course, the Public Library where Elizabeth "couldn't believe our little old Wilmington phone book was on file in such a big place."

While walking along Fifth Ave. we came to the Manufacturers Trust Building.  It was a rare one since all the walls were glass, and we could look in and see the huge door of the Bank vault which always stood open.  After viewing the main floor we took the escalator to the second floor where we were met by a lovely lady who offered to help us.  When we told her we were from out of town and merely interested in the beautiful building she asked if we would like a tour.

While waiting for the guide, Harold told her he was a director of the New Vienna Bank which did business with this bank and so we got the Deluxe tour, which included everything from a trip inside the Vault and into and through the Presidents office and private wash room.  This was one of the surprise tours that made our trip east something that will long be remembered.

Later stops that day included the Swedish Tourist Office, the Swedish Airlines Office, the RCA Building and watching the ice skaters.

Stay tuned for dinner and evening entertainment in a later post.
Transcription of Firestone Ticket Packet:
[Front of outside of packet]  Here Are Your Tickets for The VOICE of Firestone - Broadcast Simultaneously over the American Broadcasting Company Coast-to-Coast Radio Network and the ABC Television Network - MONDAY EVENING 8:30 P.M., New York City Time

[Back of outside of packet] The World's First and only blowout-safe puncture-sealing tubeless tire The New Firestone Supreme with the New Nylon Cord Body - Your Safety is our business at Firestone

[Inside of packet] Firestone Pioneered in both Radio and Television.  Be sure to be on Time!  Note your tickets carefully.  Doors close promptly at 8:20.

The VOICE of FIRESTONE is the oldest coast-to-coast radio program on the air.  It has been broadcast every year since December 3, 1928, at the same time, and with the same type of music.  On March 22, 1948, the Voice of Firestone became the first commercially-sponsored musical program to be televised and, on that same date, it became the first musical program to be broadcast simultaneously on both radio and television.

When you attend the performance for which tickets are enclosed, you will be fascinated by the split-second accuracy required, as well as the quality of music which you will hear, and we believe that once you have seen the show in person you will want to see or hear it every Monday evening.  If you have any comments please do not hesitate to send them to us.

We hope that you enjoy the show! - The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company - Akron 17, O.
If you cannot use these tickets please return them to A.B.C.

For other posts in this series see:
March 9, 1957 (1-2 of 56) New Vienna to Philadelphia
March 9-10, 1957 (2-14 of 56) Philadelphia
March 10-11, 1957 (15-18 of 56) Philadelphia to NYC
March 11, 1957 (18-19 of 56)  NYC
March 11-12, 1957 (20-27 of 56) NYC
March 12-13, 1957 (28-31 of 56) NYC
March 13-18, 1957 (31-34 of 56) NYC - CT - RI
March 18-19, 1957 (34-45 of 56) RI - MA
March 20, 1957 (46-49 of 56) MA - NYC
March 20-21, 1957 (49-51 of 56) NYC - Hershey
March 22, 1957 (52-56 of 56) Hershey PA to New Vienna

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