Tuesday, November 23, 2021

1981 Roberta's Letter -Dec.2


Wednesday 9:45

Dear Family,

I'm sitting in a coffee shop -- just across from the Main Library -- waiting for it to open up at 10:00.  Took the bus down town this AM for a meeting at the County Hosp.-- but I missed it -- didn't get to leave Sr. Village till too late -- Donna, one of the aides, was suppose to be there at 7:00 -- didn't make it till about 7:20 -- just as well -- didn't want to go to the meeting anyway -- and doesn't concern Sr. Village.

We got a new lady yesterday -- has been in a Nursing Home since August -- 88 years old -- has lived in AZ for 70 years.  Very alert -- probably the most out of the whole group thus far.  She told me last nite it was a shame she has outlived her $$.  Must really be a terrible hard thing for her -- her age group not accustomed to all these Gov't programs!!

The other ladies really are all doing great -- except for the retired R.N. -- who is constantly trying to boss everyone around -- always knows what should be done.  She is also a "Recovered" alcoholic -- who has bombed out of the last 3 places she lived.  (Foster home -- Boarding home -- etc.)  They are getting out -- going to Church, shopping, etc. -- learning all the transportation systems -- Dial-a-Ride, etc. --

We are all moved in -- pictures up -- books & knick knacks in place -- We hired Allied Vans -- 2 men & 40 foot truck -- did it in 5 hours -- then have to pay 1 hour travelling time.  It cost less than our move from 1930 S. Westwood to Dreamland [?] last May.  That was because guys had to make 2 trips then -- only 20 foot truck.  Last year we paid small outfit $27 per hour -- this year $44 per hour.

There was just one BIG problem -- my sofa bed would not fit in the bedroom -- not at any angle -- or thru window -- so it ended up in Marion's room (huge master bedroom) & I've gotten a new twin bed -- really neat -- has drawer space underneath it.

I've got lots of Christmas stationery -- hope to use it this year --

Charlie sure keeps me busy hope I survive till he grows up -- the ladies today will make sure he is ok -

I have to hand feed him -- not a good eater --

Much Love,

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