Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine Postcards to Wendy

Happy Valentine's Day from 2002 postcards to Wendy from Catherine.  "Today is a great day to write a post card." –Catherine's personal quote from a card which is not copied here.  Transcription follows.
Valentine Postcard from Catherine to Wendy 11-Feb-2002
Greetings, Wendy!  Which is more important – the journey or the destination?  "Who, being loved, is poor?" –Oscar Wilde.  Thanks for putting up with me and my family.  Hope it wasn't too stressful for you & X.  "To be beat is to be at the bottom of your personality, looking up." –John C. Holmes.  My new books deal with love, peace, dreams, joy and serenity.  All things I wish for you.  You are my brainy, beautiful, beatific, bright, brilliant, brave book-loving daughter.  I love you just the way you are!  Love, Mom
Valentine Postcard from Catherine to Wendy 13-Feb-2002
Hi, Wendy!  What's happening?  Are you ready for more company?  I have writers block this AM.  When and how are you celebrating Valentines Day?  Do you have plans for the weekend?  We will be busy getting ready for our trip [to Florida] The pen (or is it my brain?) is really struggling today.  Happy Valentines Day to my loving , beautiful, kind, gentle, sensitive, soulful daughter.  The best of Valentine wishes for your love and happiness.  Love, Mom

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