Saturday, December 03, 2011

December 4, 1988-99

Dec. 4, 1989-99 Old NV School

 HH's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Monday 1989 - Rev. Ed Johnson told us tonight that he planned to retire this next June.  He will be 65 in January.  Took GHU out to Joann Gruber for hair ($6).  Grocery in Lees Creek closed.  Connie West starts working at the Bank.

Tuesday 1990 - First snow very light, but cold wind.  Mothers Club at Virginia Walkers in Hillsboro.

Wednesday 1991 - NV Lions met at NV Senior Citizens, $16 per couple.  NVUMC bell ringers were the program.

Friday 1992 - Mother is very good today, weight up to 99#, trying to get Christmas letter off on computer.

Saturday 1993 - [Logan Ohio to home, Ginny visiting] What a long night with Ginny, she had a temperature and was VERY restless.  The room was $65, but John had it as a prize through a friend.  She mentioned that the breakfast was continental +.  A large nut roll, quiche, juice and beverages.  They have just opened this fall and have done much of the work themselves.  Their son is a pilot with Airborne and drives back and forth.  Had lunch at Bob Evans in WCH and got back to NV as we were on clean-up committee for the UMC bazaar.

Sunday 1994 - Meeting Sankers at 1pm for Tour of Homes.  We had lunch at Boston Chicken en route there.  Mary and Roger Bahr have a Japanese girl living with them.  A light sprinkle but in the 50s.

Monday 1995 - Good to be back in routine [after return from Florida trip], plenty of legal work.

Wednesday 1996 - Lions club at Wooden Spoon, $8 each, 25 there.  We took the Salisburys with us.  Had sheet of 25 illustrations and then guess the Christmas song.  Hard to believe that I went all day without glasses, my old glasses do make things cloudy.

Thursday 1997 - GG and Annie to tax school.

Saturday 1999 - Auction of the old NV School, Christian School bought if for $130,000.  [Christian School operated there for ~5 years?] They finished laying up the block foundation for the new habitat house.  Got new Zagat book for NYC.

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