Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 25, 1989-99

Merry Christmas!

 HH's Diary 1989-1999 [lightly edited]

Sunday 1988 - Sunday School 45, Church 61, $700.10

Monday 1989 - [Phoenix]

Tuesday 1990 - [to Dayton] We stayed at Mother's until 3pm when Sadie came.  Went to Dayton via Extended Care and had reservations at Guest Suites for $59/night.  Two TVs and 2 phones plus complimentary apple juice, coffee and tea.  Serena met us and the hotel finally called us about a restaurant that was open, the Samurai Sword, just east on 725, the Mall was empty.  Serena brought us blue cheese and nuts.

Wednesday 1991 - Mother was here about 6 hours, really did quite well.  Serena, John, Julie, MV and Don were here.  Jean gave me the light sweater that she had purchased in New Zealand years ago.  Family gave us a cordless telephone.

Friday 1992 - [Kentucky to home] MV went all out with a BIG turkey dinner.  The family gave us a bread maker.  We gave each of the family 300 shares of Lincoln Telephone.  Since the Crowsons car is having a transmission replacement, Serena brought us home.  A little snow en route, but roads are OK.  Bright red sweater and socks from Wells.

Saturday 1993 - [Kentucky] MV cooked a 23# turkey, got a heating pad.

Sunday 1994 - [Phoenix] Went to "Joy" [Community Church of Joy, was at 51st south of Bell, now newer and bigger campus at 75th Ave. and Beardsley], 9:30 service, been there 10 years and planning to relocate to bigger area at 75th & Beardsley.  Had big dinner at the Morgans at 2pm.

Monday 1995 - Light snow, we sliced the turkey and made about 3 boxes to freeze.  Brought in wood for a fire.  Don called about 12 and said they were off to a slow start.  The family gave us a new sweeper.  GG gave us those NV sweat shirts.

Wednesday 1996 - [Phoenix] We all ate out at noon at Radisson Hotel, $12.95.  In the PM we went to programs at the Herberger Auditorium [Herberger Theater Center, downtown Phoenix].

Thursday 1997 - [Kentucky] The family gave us a very comfortable platform rocker.  Ginny got several of those 70+ piece sets, there ought to be a law against them.

Friday 1998 - Slept in until 8:30.  Gave Kate a magnetic map of the US and then you draw states to get to destination state from starter state.  Down to 16 degrees but warmed up to the 30s.  Went on an hour hike to Fallsville and the Crowsons arrived about 4pm.  Had nice supper, then went to Holiday Inn Express in Wilmington about 8pm where we had 2 rooms reserved, 119 and 121, had 1/2 price coupon out of book so $35 each.  Christian and Serena came home with us and got along fine.

Saturday 1999 - [Kentucky] At Crowsons for 11am brunch, joined by the 4 Garretts, their 18-year-old daughter had just received a '94 Saturn.  MV is so generous.  Got gift certificate from the family for an Ohio Lodge stay.

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