Monday, May 09, 2011

Harris Hotel Apartments and Feed Mill map

Some preliminary work on the history of feed mills in New Vienna has found a connection between the Elroyd Collier family, John and Marie Cooper family, and the Uibles who all lived in the same Harris Hotel/Apartments building on the Corner of SR-73 and SR-28.

Harris Hotel Apts. c1950 - one time home of Colliers, Uibles, John Cooper family, Mrs. Pierce family among others. Photo above and below courtesy of Carolyn Collier Taubenheim.

HH Uibles lived in downstairs apartment 1951-56 as did John Cooper family 1957-? in white part on right,, Colliers lived in upstairs closest to SR-73 c1945-50, corner of South and West Sts, New Vienna Ohio. Torn down for Jim Mitchell's Sohio Station, later Ralph's pizza, in 2010 Dollar Store. Originally Harris Hotel/Apartments.  This photo from Uible collection, taken just prior to demolition in 1967.

The white part where we lived had a porch around the front with the main entrance being on the east side next to the small yard area.  There was a separate entrance to an office closest to the brick part of the building where HH had his law practice.  CJU owned the apartment building during part of this time.

As for the feed mills, here is a rough map of where they were located.  [The map has been removed as it turned out to be easily altered and was being used as an advertisement for a Hillsboro business.]
A: Originally Boden Flour Mill, later New Vienna Milling Co. - now demolished
B: Farm Bureau (branch of Wilmington Farm Bureau)
C: Unknown name, was probably located further west but on south side of RR tracks, behind Smith Funeral
D: New Vienna Grain, run by Benson West and his son-in-law Glenn Southerland - demolished
E:  Near where cannery was, now near plastic factory, run by Mac Laughlin, possibly from Lynchburg

Corrections and additional information on mills in New Vienna still being collected. Thanks for any help you can provide!

1 comment:

  1. HH reports that "E" the mill by the cannery is north rather than south of the RR tracks.

1 comment:

Catherine Uible Morgan said...

HH reports that "E" the mill by the cannery is north rather than south of the RR tracks.

Items from Uible photo album