Monday, August 31, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Sep.14

Sunday afternoon - 
September 14, 1980 
Dearest Family -

Another busy week is on its way and the busy winter schedule is started with Woman's Club starting last Wednesday and other things about to begin again.  I should write soon after I hear from you for think of so many things after our phone calls and letters received.

Little Wendy's birthday will soon be here and hope to get a tape out to her so she won't forget her one set of grandparents completely.  It is almost finished but we want to add a little bit more.  Its amazing how long 15 minutes can be at times.  Always enjoy taking to her on the phone too and wish them for phonavision to see her and the changes that she is making.  Read the other day that most people don't want picture along with hearing the voice so they aren't pushing that.  There are times . . . .

Roberta, you have never once mentioned about your classes this fall but think that ASU has started -- are you taking any courses or do you feel busy enough without?  We are interested.  Thanks too for the ad you  sent Grandma on jacks for Pierre Cardin.  Jeanne Sanker sent us the same thing earlier and I had meant to send it on -- also with her comment -- will try to remember to enclose it.

Missed your weekly call Serena -- in fact we had planned to call you but time slipped by and you were on your way to your volunteer work at the Chicago P.L. before I realized it was too late.  We have been wondering about how the week of October 3-5 suits your for a visit -- or meeting us someplace.  I know it is John's birthday and we'd be glad t have them down but they haven't said anything about their plans and it is one of the few weekends when something else isn't keeping us home.  Dad thought you might enjoy getting away from Chicago and meeting us ??? -- any ideas?

We do want to get up to Newark and see John and Carol's new abode -- Dad and Grandma have already been there but MV and I sure haven't and would like to.  She (MV) has commitments for the band the next two Saturdays with parades and contests on the 20, 27, and Oct. 18.  How about the younger Uibles joining us here some weekend?  Like next week end or better still the following one.  Sept. 26 there is to be a dinner honoring Harsha and it happens to be the same night as EC's homecoming and Band Boosters' chili supper.  If you can't get down for Friday there is a parade in Jamestown and then come home with us??  It has been A LONG time since we've seen you.

Glad that Catherine seems to be enjoying her new job and learning the ropes of a dentist's office.  The extra time off would be nice to have too.  Dad had wanted me to ask you about your getting the National Geographic.  We didn't get ours and he asked Bill Flint who said "Well, every month some come in bad shape and it must be your turn to not get yours:.  Needless to say he has missed it and wonders but of course can read it at Wilmington PL or some place else.

Grandma and Mrs. Moore are making their plans to leave Oct. 1st for Phoenix and Mrs. Moore's sons wanted Roberta's address and phone number to get in touch with her.  Hope something can be worked out as far as perhaps getting them bak to the airport so Roberta won't have to take time off.  Guess she is a school principal or superintendent.

Carole Wise has been speaking at church while Jim is out visiting his parents in Arizona.  She does an excellent job and some may regret having him back on the job.  She is vey capable.  Has Jim called Roberta?  We meant to tell you last week to be sure and tell him how she is doing a good job.

We have been looking over the book about Oregon that Roberta gave Dad for his birthday back in 1970 when she was in Newberg.  There is a real good picture of Billy Chinook lake and the area where we went swimming at Cove Park (correct title?) [Yes, it was referred to as "The Cove" and is near Madras.]  No doubt there will be some of the east part in the Wallowa area too.  Never did we know then we would be seeing so much of that state when we first looked at it.

Yesterday we worked over at the annual (4th) corn festival in the Band Boosters' booth selling corn dogs, caramel corn and pepsi.  We also had corn and potato chips, but only sold about 3 bags altogether.  It wasn't the best location for we could have done alot better out nearer the crowd but were back in a corner of Floral Hall but our part is done for this year.

Dad is on a committee to help raise funds for Wilmington College.  There are three groups -- headed by an alumnus, a Quaker, and a community leader -- each of these gets five more and then each get five moe hoping to raise $6 million so it is well organized.  Sounds like it will be well covered -- Dad didn't seem to have any trouble recruiting his five and hope these five are able to do the same.

We have had so many little tomatoes, pears, and apples (from Wise's) plus our own good eating apples -- wish we could share with you.  The red raspberries have also done very well -- haven't froze any of them but keeping them eaten -- its not hard to get a pint at a time.

Had a surprise in yesterday's mail -- a letter from Kim FOR Mie Young -- would have been tempted to open it to learn more what is going on but no doubt it is written in Korean so hope to hear more and will keep you informed.  Each time the phone rings we thing "this could be it".

The new square dance classes start this Tuesday while the "pro's" night is Thursday night.  We need to be retired to get all these things covered.  The Club had a demonstration last night before the Grandstand at the Corn Festival.  Lot of old stuff there -- like the hand corn planter that was used 100 years ago, etc. etc.

Last Wednesday evening the Frank Cunninghams in Wilmington invited us over for supper.  She was on the group with us in Ireland and one of the best and cheapest meals we had there was in a pub with quiche as the main course -- naturally we had that at their home also.  They are really nuts about ship travel.  Earlier this year they flew over to London for a weekend and then returned home on the QE 2.

The Sankers are coming up next Sunday -- Bill is lucky to have a business trip to Europe and then they are going to spend two weeks on their own. 

Buckeye Molding is moving their operation this week to their new plant across the Railroad from us.  Grandma is happy that there will be less parking on Main Street and not having the people arriving for work at 6 A.M. anymore for that gave her a too early start.  Her house looks very nice after being painted, interesting too that in the not too distant future the paint job will cost more than what the house did in 1927.  On the wheel chair ramp they mixed in some plastic something, which gives the ramp a sandpaper type finish.  Hopefully it will give us a more secure feeling when the ramp is wet.

Yesterday visited Libby Milburn in the hospital, she is the Wells employee that threw some gasoline on what she thought was a "dead fire" and boom she received some very bad burns . . . this was in the middle of July and now she is back in the hospital for some more skin grafting.  She hopes to get back to work in December . . . so do we, s she is one of the main people.  Visiting Extended Care Home always makes me feel extra grateful that our parents have had their facilities until the time "for the big trip".  Too many of these nursing home are like being in a warehouse.

Joe Horton will be arriving October 15th for three weeks and he hopes to get to N.V.  The ice cream freezer will be ready for action for him.  Yesterday the band boosters had this Schwann truck-load sale promotion -- the band gets 10% (but we think their prices are so high that it is sort of a joke) for their 6 quarts of ice cream sell for $7.50, even tho the containers are very nice to reuse.  They also have good fish but didn't get any this time as MV did the shopping -- just 2 6 -qt of ice cream -- chocolate marshmallow ripple and butter pecan.  Wish their chocolate were more chocolatey though.  

Mrs. Gordon, Virginia Walker's mother is doing real well -- able to be home by herself and gets around on a walker so didn't have to go to a nursing home.  We stopped out to see them this afternoon but they weren't home.  Mrs. Walker told me recently how much she appreciates you girls stopping to see her when are home.

Running out of space so will close -- Love to each one of you --

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