Tuesday, August 04, 2020

1970 Catherine's Postcard -Aug.4

Aug. 4, 1970

Hi!  It was good talking to you all on the phone and knowing you're in NV again although I miss getting post cards from all over the country!  School could be really getting me down but the worse it becomes the more determined I am not to let it discourage me and to stick it out and graduate.

Yesterday I went to give my blood away -- they wouldn't take it because my blood pressure was too low.  They told me to get lots of sleep and try again today so I'm going down this afternoon.

The national boys & junior tennis tournaments are going on now so the campus is swarming.  The finals will be this weekend.

Dick doesn't know yet whether he'll be going to the Antioch program in Columbia, Maryland.  It is something like a 9-month seminar in inter-personal relationships run in conjunction with the National Training Laboratories.  It will be a fantastic experience for him if he goes although I sure will miss him.  

Our latest big idea is to buy a camper to see the world in -- at least the part that is accessible that way!  We've looked at pick-up truck types, VW's, etc. but the best kind so far seems to be the big Ford bus-campers.  We would have to have something to live and camp in so we have to make sure it fits both needs.  Probably we shouldn't talk it up so much because Dick's aunt is already upset at the idea, she doesn't know where we are ever going to get the money, etc.  I just remember the bit about being on a diet doesn't stop one from reading the menu.  I hope I'm not going to be a poor student for the rest of my life.  

I also decided (subject to change of course as most of my decisions are) that I don't want to go to library school right after graduation.  I have had enough school for awhile.  I'm enjoying working at the library this summer and I will probably be there this fall too.  I keep a little money to live on and the rest goes in savings.  Write soon!  

My love to all, Catherine

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