Monday, August 24, 2020

1980 Roberta's Letter -Sep.6

Friday Night
8:30 P.M.
Dear Family,

Thanks for your letter this past week . . . do be sure and send John and Carol's new address.  I'm sure they must be very busy with the move and all.  Have you all been up to see them in the house yet?  Just today the lady from Newark was telling me she had heard from the lady that I visited just down the street (Church Street) from John's and how much she had enjoyed our visit.

Don't think I mentioned it on the phone but during the month of August the East Mesa Senior Center served more people than any other past month . . . and considering it has been open for three years . . . and the month of August around here would be usually one of the slowest months . . . that's really something !!!  In fact, every month since I've been there it has really picked up.  Now we are at our limit . . . 70 people per day as fas as meals go that we are allowed to serve.

Just in the last two weeks have we really had to turn away any amount of people.  Some 38 people for Monday.  That is never a pleasant situation.  We limit the reservations to 20 over the phone and 50 walk-ins.  Usually we have 20 reservations taken on the phone by 8:30 -- and the walk-in ones filled up by 11:00.  That means that most people are coming to the center earlier -- so have lots of little craft projects going, etc.

This past week I had trouble with my bike.  I was going down Center Street near Broadway -- very close to where I had the flat tire and the bike just quit on me.  Never did get it started.  Was on my way to work -- walked the bike to a business with a fenced in parking lot where the guy was just unlocking the fence.  Asked him if I could leave the bike there for the day and he said fine.  Walked the few blocks to Mesa Central and borrowed my old bike (Dorothy's bike) and made it fine the rest of the way to work.  (some 11 miles).  Sure seemed like alot longer distance on the smaller bike -- going some 28 mph instead of 50-55 mph.

That evening came back to check out my bike and it still would not start.  So I thought about pushing it to the repair shop (where I got it) -- some three miles away.  I ended up calling the shop and they came after it.  The bike weighs some 250 pounds and the afternoon was plenty hot, so I wasn't too excited about the idea of pushing it that distance.  They gave the bike a tune-up  which it needed along with this and that . . . cost me $30 -- sure cheaper than keeping a car up.  The bike has 3,800 miles.  I was told that's alot of miles for the spark plug -- guess that was a large part of the problem . . . also something electrical.

Marion this year is carpooling with two others, so that would give me the car to use two weeks out of three . . . tho I imagine I will stick with the bike . . . so much better on gas, and of course the situation of being asked to haul people here and there problem comes up.  Not from my boss but from the participants.

Oh, my boss -- or rather my direct supervisor's husband who is about 57 just last week has a major stroke.  She may have to take a leave of absence.  Her husband is now home from the hospital but not able to walk -- and must go to therapy every day at least for the time being.  They feel that no permanent damage has been done so that is good.  He was a prof at Mesa Community College and was to start classes the following day after the stroke.  They have three kids in college.  Live in Fountain Hills -- about 16 miles or so from here.  He was in Desert Sam. hospital and now having his therapy there.  They both smoked over 4 packs of cigarettes a day . . . and the Doctor says that both of them should quit.

We had to ask for menu suggestions from the participants out at work.  Wish I could send you some of the papers that were handed in to me.  Some were really funny -- like "more fish -- and less seafood."  Or "that seniors should not be given so many starches -- but that they really like the macaroni and spaghetti" .  Many said "less chicken" and as many said "more chicken" also the same on Mexican food -- both more and less were requested.  A three month cycle of menus are being approved now by the nutritionists and the food service and the senior center.  Some of the changes will be that we will now be offering both 2% and buttermilk to the people.

Tomorrow I'll be working for Harry.  Still not sure if I want to tell him I will just work through this month.  You know that this Sunday is Grandparents Day -- so I'm curious if that will mean any extra orders -- don't think the idea is too far spread -- at least not yet!!!

Think I did tell you that he has opened up the new shop now out in East Mesa.  It's at a small shopping center on 63rd Street and Apache Trail (or Main Street).  The shopping center is brand new -- still some stores yet to open up there.  A card shop is going in beside him -- that should help the flow of customers.  Right now business is pretty slow out there.  Also with the "snow-birds" coming back -- will add more activity.

Harry was telling me that 5 years ago when he opened up the shop on Southern it was considered "in the country" -- and how now on an average day he does more than what he did his first Mother's Day or Christmas Holidays days.

Marion seems to be off to a good start as far as school goes.  Seems to think that the school has better discipline this year than last -- and she was happy with what happened last year.  Each high school in Scottsdale now has a full-time police officer assigned to the school.

Mary Virginia how is school going for you???  Now are you in 10th grade this year ??? [think it would be 11th,  Roberta probably getting it wrong on purpose to encourage MV to write back . . .]  Do write me and set me straight!!!  What classes are you taking?  From what Mother said on the phone you are doing some singing here and there.  Sure wish it were possible for you to come out and do some at the senior enter.

I better bring this to a close . . . so I can get it in the mornings mail . . . .

Lots of Love,

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