Wednesday, August 19, 2020

1980 Family Letter -Aug.28

Thursday --
August 28, 1980
Dearest Family --

We have really been neglectful about writing to you all but have been able to talk to each of you on the phone at least once since we left Oregon.  We did have a wonderful trip and really enjoyed being with the Morgans and getting to know Wendy better.  She is so much less shy and more talkative than before.  Was so surprised to learn that Catherine has accepted a new position in a dentist's office starting Monday, Sept. 8th which has a good many advantages over her former one in the courthouse.  We did get a letter today written just a week ago about it (which was really slow in coming) but glad to get more details on the phone.

We also got a letter from Roberta with the letter written to Hawaii and a number of clippings enclosed.  The item on the back of one about how Oregonians are the biggest tourist spenders with Arizonians 2nd we hadn't seen before either.  At least that is the way it is to the state of Wyoming, who had done the poll.

We had looked forward to seeing John and Carol before we picked the Hortons up at the Columbus airport last Sunday but only Dad and G'ma went as Mary Virginia wasn't feeling too well.  At least they got to see the house where they will be moving this weekend -- it is real attractive.  The Hortons would like to meet Valerie but don't know whether that can be worked out before they leave -- Rob and Valerie seemed to hit off real well and Valerie is to come down to Florida at Christmas.  If the move wasn't on this weekend we would try to get them together.

Had a real nice long chat with Serena before she left the library on Tuesday while we were waiting for the plane from Chicago to Dayton.  Glad she finally got a fan -- am sure it was needed on the fourth floor.  Hope that she is soon able to find a bicycle that she has been wanting.

This past week has been HOT, but the nights have been comfortable.  At least we have no air conditioning bill to "heat us up" when it comes due each month.  Since we have been back it has also been dry which translates into hard hoeing in the garden.  Our raspberries have been doing great and have apples galore.

The Hortons have been staying close to NV, Bill has been playing some golf with Everett Penn.  Understand that they are gong to go back to LW this next Thursday.  Because they are flying on the Senior Citizen fare they cannot make their reservation more than one day in advance.

Lat night was our square dance last summer fling as the dance was at the Campground (outdoor shelter) and several of us took ice cream -- your Mother had a great batch of raspberry yogurt ice cream -- and others brought items that compliment the ice cream.  For the full picture this morning came all too fast.

M.V. started school last Monday with 7 classes in six periods (she is taking one independently (Spanish).  Tonight is the first football game.  Wednesday night the phone rang and it was LONG distance, being Kim in Korea.  It seems that Mie Young is ready to leave for NV but because she is a minor she is having trouble getting out of Korea, but Kim said she should be there (NV) shortly.  Hopefully she will not be too late in starting to school this fall.

The City of Wilmington bought the two old school buildings in Wilmington that are no longer being used.  Now it is a new governmental body that has the problem of what to do with 100-year-old plus buildings.  The library in Wilmington is still looking for a librarian.

[Love, etc.]

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