Sunday, March 22, 2020

February 26, 1980
Dearest Family --

This is the first day of the 1979-80 school year that there is no school due to the snow and icy road conditions.  Needless to say, Mary Virginia was happy about this as well as the rest of the students.  I'm sure.  I had planned to go to school myself to make up for the last two Mondays (one for Patriots Day and the other yesterday when there were parent-teacher conferences, and thus no school).  Mary Kay Howard and I did go to Columbus and bought books for our respective libraries at two different places.

We did enjoy our trip to New York and so glad to have John and Carol with us.  The time went really fast and seems like a dream now.  The Royalton is in the process of remodeling the hotel as it has been purchased and anxious to see the final outcome.  There are big rolls of carpet all over the small lobby and new draperies and bedspreads help alot to brighten up the rooms but the bathrooms have not been modernized at all yet and they said the small lobby will be the last thing to be modernized.

We did see The Elephant Man but were unable to get tickets to any musical this time.  I did alot of looking and some buying in the bookshops especially Barnes and Noble.  Had a couple of real good meals both at new places -- Once upon a Stove which someone had recommended as their favorite place and another one that John and Carol picked out which had a good write up which we would never found on our own for its something like 58th & 10th or 11th.  Also went to Valles near Philadelphia on our way home which is a good deal.  It was a beautiful day when we were looking at Westtown but Mary Virginia wasn't too impressed especially after seeing the small dorm rooms.  Seems like she has her heart set on going to East Clinton for the rest of her highschooling.  The same fellow that had interviewed John suggested that she try Interlochen for he said she really didn't have too many credits in math or science to get in Westtown as a junior.  We hadn't realized that they even had a school there - thought it was just for summer music which is how it started out.  Mary Virginia wrote for the catalog for there and UC's summer program as well but sure doesn't show much interest now.

Learned when we got home that young Jim Mongold had committed suicide over a breakup in his marriage.  That's the second boy that Dad went to Philmont with that is no longer living and another is in trouble with the law.

We did enjoy getting your letters and talking to you on the phone.  Sorry that Teresa Clear and Debbie Stewart weren't able to come to Chicago this past weekend as planned but know that they were disappointed and will try again.  Hope things work out for you, Serena, to get the reference librarian's job.  Your call was a surprise as well as one from Catherine and Gerry about possibility of buying a house - anxious to hear how that works out.

That was really a long letter from you, Roberta - three full pages singled spaced.  So many people have asked if either of you were in the flooded areas.  Virginia did share with us the birthday card you and Buffy sent which we got a kick out of -- amazing how much time Marion saves (and gas) using her Honda.  Can she park it where its safe during the school day?  The phone company did call and give us your new number - I thought perhaps you wanted us to call you til we got your letter about your predicament.

Want you to know that we have the honey jar which you had to sent to us hung in the living room along with the bellows which Dad has enjoyed using and we are enjoying Moody Magazine too and the radio with the tv channels on it.  Thanks to all of you!

Mary Virginia has made an appointment for this Thursday afternoon for the driver's test, etc. and her first lesson.  She is also starting voice lessons tomorrow or rather Thursday night so it is going to be a busy Spring plus we three are starting a conversational Spanish class tomorrow night at Laurel Oaks.  Next week is our square dance graduation, hopefully we will pass, but anyway we have had fun in going.  

[Love, etc.]

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